File :-(, x, )
/x/, the world is going to end. You get to decide how. Nothing can save it anymore. No one can hero and save it. How do you kill us all.

I'll go first,

Several years from now, the third great war starts. The world turns into two nations, both completely controlling every aspect of their people. After 12 years of fighting, The worlds economy, and climate collapse. Killing everyone who has not died already.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
God does a pie trick on the universe with a massive cream pie ala Three Stooges or numerous clowns.
>> Anonymous
Crushed inside a massive loli Vagina.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous

A deliciously juicy way to go.
>> Anonymous

>> Anonymous

And those nations are called the Arm and the Core!!!!
>> Anonymous
Everyone on the entire planet are in a fraction of a second shown what the world would have been if we all just up and stopped being faggots, united our efforts and thought further ahead than the sight of our eyes, the length of our lives, and the reach of our kin: A motherfucking easily sustainable paradise.

Then the atmosphere is ignited.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
Pfft, screw that. I'd end it all with a single massive booming voice. "Well, we had a good run! That was cool, lets try it again sometime! Alright... BEGIN THE SUPERNOVA! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMOTHERFUCKINGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
>> Anonymous
glass half empty
glass half full
>> Anonymous
The entire planet gets reinserted into one of Azathoth's many anuses.
>> Anonymous
that picture is AWESOME.
>> Anonymous
glass half 2girls1cup
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Truth is, there is no way I can currently think of to eliminate the human race and still preserve the enviroment and animals. I truly believe the galaxy would benefit from our destruction, but I don't want to destroy the planet at the same time. Any suggestions?
>> Duffman Digs Robots !J66y88ZdHs
Zombie apocalypse, of course.
>> Anonymous
The world has no purpose without humans, you PETAfag, we're the only sentient race here who can appreciate it.
>> Anonymous
Currently a 20% risk of 4 degree C global average temp increase by the end of the century.

Agriculture is impossible due to soil and weather conditions at this temperature.

At best we will try and simply curb our CO2 emissions, nevermind try and repair the system. Methane gets released in mass. We all starve.

No aliens, no grand final war, no zombie virus, just ecological collapse and starvation.
>> Anonymous
I'm no PETAfag, I just don't like people. Animals are pure, they have no ill intent, just the will to survive. They don't betray you or try to kill you after you've bonded with them. Besides, I wouldn't necessarily call what humans do to the planet "appreciating".
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Really? Because I was attacked by a dog that I had known for years, never gave me any problems just one day decided to randomly maul my face. Besides, ever watch animal planet? Yeah..take a look.

Unless you have personally spoke with all the animals on the earth, shut the hell up.
>> Anonymous
Animals aren't pure. They're non-sentient. They have no value. Only thing we know of that is sentient is a human. Humans alone have value. Everything else is useless if humans aren't around to appreciate or exploit it.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous

>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
gtfo you fucking idiot, it's true, without humans earth has no fucking purpose
>> Anonymous
Penis monters
>> Anonymous
Hm, fucking middleschoolers on 4chan again: let's define sentience, shall we?

sentient |?sen ch (?)?nt|
able to perceive or feel things : she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms.

You're right, animals sure are non-sentient. Durrrrp.
>> Anonymous

How do you explain that? I just don't get it, seems that you're basically saying that this whole fucking planet was made for us. Christfags..
>> Anonymous
Sentience as defined by Augustine, Epicurus, and Socrates is the ability to think and reason morality or amorality.

Animals cannot. Animals are incapable of morals or real emotion. They are worthless without us.
>> Anonymous
Nope, atheist. Christfags would probably be more prone to caring about other living things if they follow their religion since it instructs stewardship of the earth. As for me, without intelligent life, this planet has no purpose.
>> Anonymous

Care to explain me what is the function of our planet? Sustain life? To me it seems to do that even if all the humans just were wiped away.
>> Anonymous
Believe it or not, but animals also think and reason. Although it isn't nearly as complex as our thinking and reasoning, it still is thinking and reasoning.

Morality and amorality originally stemmed from empathy, and guess what--if you do some research, you will find that there have been recent legitimate scientific studies that prove conclusively that animals do exhibit empathy.

Sorry, but your thoughts that animals are not sentient do not hold one drop of validity.
>> Anonymous
The function of the planet is to allow intelligent life to survive. Everything else is expendable in so much as its extermination will not cause human extinction. We alone can truly enjoy life. If another intelligent lifeform inhabited the planet, then that'd be a fine reason to keep it, but, without one, fuck it, everything should die.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
...the furfag is pretty fucking gay and annoying, but you're creepily nihilistic...

you're all fucking retarded
>> Anonymous
i agree with this in a certain sense. namely, if i'm dead, i want everything to die because it is meaningless to me then
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
oookay, take it back, other guy is sort of nihilistic, you're a fucked up psycho
>> Anonymous
Oh yeah, because there is no chance for rebirth. Energy just happens to fucking vanish from the Universe everytime a person dies. Makes perfect fucking sense...
>> Anonymous
Moon escapes orbit, fucking up earth's rotation.

Everyone and everything starts to fuck up, due to weird day/night hours and the lack of seasons.

10 years later, if we're even still alive, the moon rams itself into earth as we pass into its new orbit around the sun.
>> Anonymous
This is truth.
>> Anonymous

sen·tience /?s?n??ns/
sentient condition or character; capacity for sensation or feeling.


ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight [syn: wisdom]

>> Anonymous

>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)

If not, seriously, WTF>>1024559
>> Anonymous
And thus you have all proven my point. Humans have no use if they all think and behave in such a horrible manner as all of you have just displayed to me. You in fact, represent so much of what I hate about people. Human beings are terribly selfish and fundamentally evil in all respects. No matter what religion or belief system you follow, nothing good is ever accomplished by the hands of a person. Animals are not capable of evil, nor good really, but at least they don't pretend to be some sort of self righteous saviors. Animals just follow instinct and if you treat them with love and kindness, they grow to trust you. Betray that trust, and they attack you, but you really need not fear the animal breaking that trust because they see no potential benefit in hurting something that has been kind to them. Therefore, I do not see any reason to let animals perish when all I want is for mankind to suffer. Arrogant, selfish, unkind people like you personify my view and only strengthen my argument.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
trolls aplenty undoubtedly
>> Anonymous

How come you can say that there aren't any other species that evolve into something like we're now. Also, appareantly some monkeys and dolphins are capable of senitent thinking. Those millions of years that humans took to evolve into what we are, is just an eyeblink in the scale of our universum. Also, what about other planets?
>> Anonymous

Same here. It's one of the reasons why I like to do my bit to destroy the environment. Future generations be damned. I will be wormfood, and they'll ALREADY be enjoying a higher standard of life, possibly living longer etc. due to technological progress? Fuck that, thanks.
>> Anonymous
...Seriously, he's a tool, but good fuck, you're a dipshit too. Every one of you best be trollin'.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Troll theorist here:

I believe this is part of the trolling that it continues to be used
>> Anonymous
Yeah I know. But I'm in a bad mood at the moment so I'm picking this one thing to bitch about. :D
>> Anonymous

The natural world is more nightmarish than the human one. Cuckoos work on deception, predators kill off the weak, insects eat mates, in fact the whole insect world is a fucking nightmare. You can't say fucked up behaviour is not present in animals. Only value judgements are not present in animals.
>> Anonymous

That's the kind of attitude that makes me rage. Why in the hell you have lost your faith in humans? A human is perhaps intelligent and may even care more than animal. Humans are, well basically just one of the many species that follows their instincts. The concept of moral and immoral, the good and bad are just humanity's own illusion, nice fairytale to believe to. Your precious animals aren't right or wrong, they follow their basic instincts. Same way as humans.
>> Anonymous
This entire fucking thread is retarded. If you think the only value in not sapient life is for human appreciation, you're fucking retarded. If you think animals are pure (a human value judgment) and our sudden death as a species would benefit the rest of the earth, you're fucking retarded.
>> Anonymous
So..... what? Does the economy and climate collapse and kill us all by crushing everyone? Do we get bludgeoned by falling bricks from these things collapsing? In short.... how does this work?
>> Anonymous
No, it's no more or no less. it's just different. Just because we can think and talk about "The Human World" and the "Natural World" doesn't make them distinct or separate. Manhattan is just as natural as a termite colony. We are nature.

There's plenty of animals that have adopted non sustainable practices for short term growth. They go extinct. Nature's pretty good at sorting this out.
>> Anonymous
An optimist will never understand the pessimist. A social butterfly will never understand the misanthropist. Accept differences as they come. It's what makes the world interesting, and gives psychologists a field to study in.
>> Anonymous

Animals actually do have emotions and many social animals have a sense of what could be described as morals within their social structure. All morals are are social rules and mores which make it possible for us to live together as a society or unit. Study dolphins, lions, wolves, primates, or any pack animal really.
>> Anonymous

All I'm doing is that I'm explaining my own point to another person. I pretty much let anothers live as they want, but that "Humans suxx, baww, yiff yiff"-BS gets me bit upset. Also I'm bored as hell, and its like 3 am here.
>> Anonymous

Let me correct you on that. Without you, the planet has no purpose to you and you alone because there isn't anything that can hold purpose to someone or something that does not exist. Without humans, the planet would still hold a purpose to other living beings since it provides the environment they need to survive. People are not the end-all, be-all of existence in an objective sense. Your argument is true in a purely subjective sense as it pertains to all humans, but you attempt to apply it as an objective truth. This is the major flaw in your argument and that flaw is the point of contention with everyone who has argued against you.
>> Anonymous
bawww I'm emo. You sir are a fag.
>> Anonymous

I know I'm making an unscientific distinction, but I was arguing within the dichotomy that seemed to be established of animals vs. human. The real point I wanted to make is idealizing the animal world as free from all taint just because it doesn't have human foibles/values/whatever attached to its behaviours is daft.

To be honest the only people I ever hear this from IRL is bitterfags. You got bullied? Plenty of nasty pack-behaviour and picking on weaker ones in the animal kingdom. Your girl betrayed you? Happens too.

It fact evolutionary psychology would probably argue that humans are wired for those types of behaviours in a not so dissimilar way to animals, it's outworking is just more complex and difficult to untangle.
>> Anonymous

The planet itself is not sentient and therefore cannot invoke a sense of singular purpose, whether that purpose be to create an environment in which it's framework is geared to produce and support intelligent life or whether it be merely to support life as a whole. In this, the purpose of this planet is only what something with sentience or awareness assigns to it. Since humans are creatures of reason, we do assign a purpose to it based on our own motivations, but also based upon our observation. In the act of observing, we must acknowledge the fact that we are a single part of a whole in the grand scheme of things. In this basic founding acknowledgment, we must accept that the existence of our world does not revolve around us. Only our own existence revolves around us. The viewpoint you express is merely your own primal drive to exist and your own inborn sense of the difference between your species and other species and an awareness of what some of those key differences are quantified into words. It is not an argument or a true observation. It is merely a thought in the barest sense of the word and an assumption that survives only because no thought to the contrary has been entertained by you and no attempt to do anything beyond upholding this assumption has been attempted since you find this point of view to be very self gratifying.
>> Anonymous
Someone somewhere activates the trigger that will lead the human race to a new form of existence and everybody joins into a godly singularity.

Good ending! :D
>> Anonymous
In the year of our blessed and on true Lord, Jesus Christ son of Mary from Nazareth, 2060, Isaac Newton shall awaken from his eternal slumber in lost underwater city of L'ndun. Rousing forth the terrible denizens to begin their mad dances and to gnash their aged and ajar teethes. The great Newton shall behold the Earth that has come to be and shake his many fingers at the heavens proclaiming his glorious judgement. "LO, THE MANY FOOLS AND SOUR OF TONGUE, FATHER THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!"
And our one and only savior Jesus shall writ his reply with flames upon high "Okie dokie."
The earth trembling from these severe words shall thrust forth the forever king, his majestic Nikola Tesla to scour the Earth of its sins, turning off gravity and flinging the perverse, the profane, the homosexual, the lazy, and Irishmen into the unwelcoming embrace of the cold aether.
All glory to the Trinity. Oh sweet hallelujah!
>> Anonymous


>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
It has been hypothesized that the entire global frequency emanating from the earth thing might be very slow moving thought waves. The people that claim that are all nutters in my opinion, but I would just like to point out that said theory exists. I remember some buggers over in Japan attempted to use that frequency in order to elongate communications networks, once upon a time, but they gave that up, and all studies in this field basically dried up.
>> Anonymous
This, fuck yeah. Like a solar system wide Dr. Strangelove
>> Anonymous
how the world's going to end?

I say everybody gets alzheimers from water that was supposed to cure anger and meanness.

Side affect of the water (as stated before) is alzheimers that grows at an exponential rate, faster than it does now.

That's how I see the world ending.
>> Anonymous
Stephen King rip off.
>> Anonymous
prove that it can or will not happen.
>> Anonymous
Oh, oh oh ohohohohoh! Teacher! I know!

Stephen King wrote it and he's a hack!
>> Anonymous

I was using the basic assumption in this case to point toward the fact that our planet is impartial to greater clarify the point that any concept of assigned purpose can only come from ourselves in a pragmatic sense, whether we conceive of this purpose ourselves or accept the purpose from an outside source, it still comes from ourselves since we hold the awareness of it. I used this train of though to point out that some viewpoints regarding this purpose are more valid than others based upon logic and observation. The idea of earth being non-sentient was merely a metaphorical device used to exhibit the difference between the objective and subjective through contrast, it wasn't literal.
>> Anonymous
In their defense, Stephen King IS a terrible author.
>> Anonymous
...well, made me lol, well done
>> Anonymous
There are dozens of holes in your argument, but I'm assuming you're dumbing everything down for /x/, and I don't feel like quoting Plato today. That said, don't defend the earth is sentient nutters. They're nutters.
>> Anonymous

o.O That post was in response to someone. I was clarifying a statement that was made in a completely unrelated counter-argument in this post:>>1024689

This is the statement:

>The planet itself is not sentient and therefore cannot invoke a sense of singular purpose, whether that >purpose be to create an environment in which it's framework is geared to produce and support intelligent >life or whether it be merely to support life as a whole. In this, the purpose of this planet is only what >something with sentience or awareness assigns to it.

All I was saying is my reference to the earth itself being non-sentient was just a statement used to help define a greater point. The original post had absolutely nothing to do with anything regarding sentient earth. Read the post before jumping to conclusions.
>> Anonymous
By 2070, everyone on the Earth will have adopted a fashion of wearing masks at all times of day. Not cheap paper craft shit or latex dollar store things. These will be designer masks churned out by brand names like Dolce and Gabbana, Givenchy, Gold Clovery. These will be silicon rubber second faces overlayed by OLEDs. People will micropay for wall papers, animated fractals, celebrity faces, emotionally active patterns etc. to imprint upon these masks.
The masks, unknown to the general public, were laced with picobots which were designed to extend the longevity of these masks. On the eve of 2071 a wave of consciousness will spread across the global bandwidth effecting the masks' picobots whom will quickly reform the wearers flesh into insect like techorganism. These impossibly smell machines will proceed to do the same with all organics and the world itself.

Grey goo end
>> Anonymous

Will 2070 porn depict people without masks as well as without clothes? Will the hardcore protestant state that the only acceptable form of sexual intercourse is man-on-top missionary position for procreation only and while wearing masks?
>> Anonymous
We fall off the back of Chronos the snake of time, and we all evaporate into nothing in mid sentence.

Like the end of The Sopranos.
>> Anonymous
Porn from the world of tomorrow will involve OLED body suits which display biotelemetry and continually shifting representation of the bones, muscles, organs, and circulatory system in action during coitus.
It will be an age of informational sexuality.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
The original purpose this thread is way more interesting than the clusterfuck of wank it turned into.

Also, I am partial to this one.>>1024030

Regret end!
>> Anonymous
End 1 - Iran fires a nuke on a major city in the middle east. North Korea fires a nuke on Japan. US fires nukes on both aggressors dragging the world into a full on nuclear war. After the smoke clears, agriculture and economic failure await.

End 2 - Aliens deem Humans too dangerous to be allowed to explore the universe, and sterilize the Earth.
>> Anonymous
The solar system passes by too close to another star which fucks up the orbit of one or more of the gas giants, preferably Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter's new orbit crosses into Earth's orbit and the two planets go on a collision course with each other. Little by little, day by day, Jupiter becomes larger and larger and inhabits more of the sky until in the final days it dominates the entire expanse of the sky. Then it swallows the Earth entirely before it assumes a new orbit very close to the sun.
>> Anonymous
I've bonded with my cats. Doesn't stop the from biting or scratching me when I piss them off.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
Best post here.
>> Anonymous
Evidence supports this theory.
>> Anonymous
Jupiter eats us?
>> Anonymous
Oh, I can be creative.

Variant 1: we exhaust so many resources on our planet that our space program becomes stagnated, we fail to develop an alternative to chemical rockets, and we are left stuck in our own pot, limited to launching slow scout probes to crawl through space that will send back data about something useful after several millions of years, if we're lucky. Meanwhile we're busy having wars, having peace, and reproducing until we run out of space. No significant death count - it's a slow, boring end.

Variant 2: found deep underneath the Sahara desert is an enormous, ancient, advanced device of unknown purpose. Years are spent investigating it, cults are formed around it, conspiracy theories are exchanged, until one day, without any explainable reason, the device detonates with inconceivable force, causing not only the immediate death of almost all life on earth, but also pushing the planet off orbit. Somebody set us up the bomb. Before we were even born.
>> Anonymous
Humanity as we know it ceases to exist in the wake of the post-human revolution. Genetic engineering, wetwire, and biomechanics create a new species of sapien. After enough time has elapsed all are assimilated and society as we know it changes drastically to conform to our new pathology and needs. We kill ourselves by becoming something new and unrecognizable as human as we know it.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous

Wow, so were both of your parents raped to death in front of you, or just your dad?

Yeah, and fire doesn't eat. Leave it the fuck out.

You get your fucking hands offa my Tesla!

Dude, that's just normal evolution. BORING GET.
>> Anonymous

You, sir, are an idiot.

Lets see you come up with one, then.
>> Anonymous
Already did.
>> Anonymous
Terrorists (or a rogue state) detonates a nuclear device in a major city of a world power. Shit gets confused, accusations and ICBMs fly at the same time, yada yada yada, no signs of life in Madagascar.
>> Anonymous
tyranid-esque aliens attack earth

we are overrun by billions of bio-engineered bug-beasts, who proceed to break down all organic matter on the planet into a nutrient paste which is then slurped up by their hive ships in orbit. once they've consumed every last organic molecule and drop of water on the planet, they move on, leaving earth a barren, lifeless rock.
>> Lilith !!9OgmDJLQKar
In after furfags, pointless arguments and retards.

As for a way to make the earth die. I'd want the gravitational pull the sun has on the earth to suddenly fail, causing the planet to rocket away from the sun in a slingshot orbit.

In result....either we slowly die due to massive environmental change....or we collide with a larger celestial body.

Epic win for all.
>> Anonymous
after humanity as allmost a whole ascend beyond the physical form and into pure consciousness well the furfags stay behind instead dawning there cerimonial furfag wear and begin to try and have sex with animals.SUDDENLY!!!! the furfags precious animals begin maming and mualing them and thanks to thee wonderfull animal suits they are helpless to do anything about it in a mass orgy of animalistic death all the furfags are wiped out and humanity is complety gone MANY Yiffs Were heard that day the end
>> Anonymous
I've always had a furfag related doomsday scenario:

All animals become hostile towards humans. Hell, if just ants decided that they wanted to kill everyone, that'd be enough.
>> Anonymous
After all food has been altered to be used with microwaves, we will then find other things to appropriate for this purpose. Eventually this will include organic and inorganic objects and entities, layers of the earth, and eventually the world as a whole.
>> Anonymous

You brought this back for us? All the way from page 10! You're the bestest, 73!

>> Anonymous
The world will end when self-replicating nanites will fill it up with gumballs.
>> Anonymous

What the fuck is wrong with you? You keep talking about how horrible everyone is, and honestly tell me what you have experienced IN YOUR LIFE, not BS coming from the news and shittastic parts of the world, that could lead you to believe this.
>> Anonymous
It began slowly at first, and no one suspected what was going on when the tremors began. With increasing intensity, the shockwaves of earthquakes besieged the world until the point where the earth itself rippled and trembled like the oceans' waves. Whole cities were swallowed whole by the voracious soil, one by one cityscapes winked out of existence beneath the land. On the final day, in a simultaneous orgy of fury, the world spewed forth soot, ash, and lava, and the terrible parasite it had been hiding for so long. The light of a thousand suns pock-marked the remainder of humanity and the future refused to change.
>> Anonymous
When I press the button that says "DO NOT PRESS"
>> Anonymous
Activate the Trih Xeem and detonate the sun.

Enjoy your W'rkncacnter.
>> Anonymous
Hmm, I always thought that it would be interesting to see a movie or something that dealt with the end of the world with people finding out the meaning of life, which totally mindfucks them to the point where the decide life is pointless, and their goal is to spread that information and then kill themselves. Sort of like zombies but fucking weird. Sort of like, InformationAIDS.

Another one dealing with people killing themselves comes from the book Haunted, it's a short story. Basically we send shit to venus, see all these people who are supposed to be dead having orgies and shit, so we send astronauts there to see what the fuck is going on, and they get told that it was basically Nirvana, so they get back, the governments decide that if EVERYONE died, there would be no chance for humans to procreate anymore and everyone would appear in the Heaven/Nirvana. So they send out suicide kits, and have bombs and guns to deal with the noncompliants.

SPIOLARZ: This girl named Eve, and her neighbor Adam, decide that it'd be fucking stupid to kill themselves, besides, Eve is pregnant.
>> Anonymous
zombies, duh
Human kind, out of rage of different beliefs, divides into 3 separate areas, china manages to unite all east-asian people, a muslim and chirstian/catholic area. Alien invasion bestows upon the earth, some people side with the aliens in hope of salvation, alien race exterminates opposition, then finishes off allied forces.

Meteor hits the earth, causes global catasrophe but 30% of human kind manages to survive, however, due to the inmense energ levels released upon contact, earth is moved away from the sun, thus freezing the earth.
