File :-(, x, )
ITT, we try to stump the Law of Fives.

Post something you think doesn't follow the Law of Fives. Other people can rationalize how it -does- follow the Law of Fives.

My submission: The shape "tetrahedron."
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
4 = 5 - 1
>> /kit
How do I law of fives?
>> /kit
Err... Add up all the angles and points and you get 10. 10 / 2 = 5...
>> Anonymous
If you look at a tetrahedron so that two sides are visible, five edges are visible. Five edges. Five.

Note: October was the eighth month of the year on the old Roman calendar. Hence, OCTOber. So...

31 October
31-8 = 23 (zomg!)
2+3 = 5
>> Anonymous
Eh? That should be sixteen. There are twelve angles in a tetrahedron; three on each of four points. 3*4(angles) + 4(points) = 16.
>> Anonymous
You magnificent paranoid bastard. Fine then. How about...Ghosts? Ghosts don't work with the Law of Fives.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
For those who don't know what the Law of Fives is.
>> Anonymous
Ghost has 5 letters.
>> Anonymous
And vampire?
>> Anonymous

>> Anonymous
>>259683Ghosts don't work with the Law of Fives
I'm not entirely sure ghosts even exist. 'Tis a dubious disproof of the Law of Fives to rely on such an unverifiable thing as a "ghost." Although, the word ghost has five letters in more than one language; if ghosts exist only as a concept, perhaps it is that thing we use to represent our fear of the unknown, rather than the thing itself, that should be put under scrutiny.


Five letters it is.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Law of five this.
>> Anonymous
Anything can be abstractly connected to anything given enough digging. This rule is bad and you should feel bad.
>> Anonymous
Vampire has the letter V in it. Roman numeral for 5. It also has an E, which is the fifth letter of the alphabet. Do you think it's a coincidence that the fifth letter also happens to be the most common one, huh?
>> Anonymous
That guy he's punching has a big 5 on his chest.
>> Anonymous
>Do you think it's a coincidence that the fifth letter also happens to be the most common one, huh?
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Im looking for a specific explanation for this one.
>> Anonymous
How about the number 1?

Oh, wait, 1 times 5 is 5! OH SNAP!
>> Anonymous
There are 5 teeth between the yellow M&M's arms, counting the ones his hands are on.
>> Anonymous

WRONG. I was looking for "The letter M stands for million, which is the 5th increment of numbers. (One, ten, hundred, thousand, million)"
>> Anonymous
You can do the same with any number. This is stupid
>> Anonymous
I was waiting for someone to say "the number one." It's tricky. I once told a guy I'd give him a dollar if he disproved the Law of Fives, and every day he could make one attempt to stump me, and I'd have until the next day to solve it. After several weeks, he gave me the number one. And the next day I said to him, "one is the number of dollars you'd get if you disproved the Law of Fives." He gave up after that. <:]

Other than that, one person has five extremities (arms, legs, head). And one hand has five fingers. One brain commands five senses. Five elements make up one universe. Earth, air, fire, water, and ether; Five become one. And one is five.
>> Anonymous
periodic table of elements
>> Anonymous
>>259708M stands for million
What about when M stands for thousand? Or when it stands for Mars and Murry...
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
First of all, none of the five things you mentioned are elements, that's superstitious bullshit.

There IS no way to disprove the law of fives. Or the law of twos, or the law of sevens, or the law of Kurt Cobain. ANYTHING can be abstractly related to ANYTHING if you stretch things far enough. The whole premise is fucking stupid.
>> Anonymous
You be breaking my minds with those numbahs.
>> Anonymous

Its a 5kb picture.
>> Anonymous
i win
>> Anonymous
I got high on marijuana last night and watched five episodes of Futurama.
>> Anonymous
5th orbital lulz.
>> Anonymous
8 letters in the word marijuana

8=5+3 (save the 5, like last time)
>> Anonymous
Now this is exactly the shit I mean. Hold the 5? You don't get to fucking hold a number to the side in math. This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
>> Anonymous
Well, you're not really holding it.
All I meant is that I wasn't working with it anymore.
>> Anonymous
Everyone knows vampires are fake.

F = 6, A = 1, K = 11, E = 5 -- 6 + 1 + 11 + 5 = 23

2 + 3 = 5.
>> Anonymous
Skeptifag is fag. Durrrrrr superstitious bullshit hurrrrrr fucking stupid

4chan needs a /sci/ so all these skeptifags with their science can fuck off.
>> Anonymous
Am I the only one who noticed there are nine letters in marijuana?
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Law of five this.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
>>259726none of the five things you mentioned are elements
Earth, air, fire, and water were called elements before hydrogen, helium, etc. were called elements. You don't get to say the classical elements aren't elements just because some scientist came along and arbitrarily changed the definition of "element" to suit his own views.
>> Anonymous
oh shi-
you're right.
Well, just redo all the math that I did with a 9 rather than an 8.
It all works out to fives in the end, anyway.
>> Anonymous
Gay People
>> Anonymous
9 letters.
So it works out the same as marijuana.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
I'm still rather confused.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Just some retards who wanted to feel special. ;)
>> Anonymous

You're right. The periodic table of elements is just a view. Get the fuck out.
>> Anonymous
It's not "just a view," but calling them elements is subjective. Earth, air, fire and water are elements. Every substance in existence fits into one of those four; name one that doesn't. I dare you. I double-dare you. You can't, you're wrong, live with it.
>> Anonymous
The Law of 5s is no more real or accurate than the Law of Vagoo, which I have just invented. Meaning everything is related to Vagoo either directly or indirectly.

Halloween = Hallow = Sacred = Men hold the Vagoo in high esteem (Put that Pussy on a Pedestal)

Marijuana - Related to Hemp - Slang Term Purple Sticky Punge - Slang for semen Sticky Punge - Semen goes in the Vagoo.

Tetrahedon - Looks kind of like a Vagoo, regardless I would stick my dick in it.

Everything is related if you try fucking hard enough.
>> Anonymous
Which one of those is plastic made out of?
>> Anonymous
Dark matter.
Prove it does fit into those categories.
Oh, so sorry, you can't.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Hey, way to make the point that people have been making in this thread since the beginning.
And you did a good job of making the point in a really unfunny way.
A+ work all around.
>> Anonymous
Ok shit-stain. My elements are Metals, Non-Metals and Metalloids. There, Name anything. ANYTHING and I can fit it into those catagories.
>> Anonymous
One of the five Classical Elements is aether.
Fucking fail.
>> Anonymous
the number one doesn't have anything to do with five, since I never made a bet for a buck.
>> Anonymous
if you play a song backwards and then tell someone that it says something, then there going to hear it

same applies here
>> /kit
Dark Matter would fall into the 5th Classical Element of Ether or Akash. It's the lack of elemental properties...
>> Anonymous
Wrong, so goddamned wrong. Go back to science class.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
The tetrahedron is one of five Platonic Solids.
>> Anonymous
There were FOUR classical elements, you retarded fucks. A 'spirit' or other bullshit fifth has only been around since the eighties. The soul was made of varying combinations of all four elements, or humours, which defined personality.
>> Anonymous
>Disregard my previous post, I suck cocks and enjoy the work you've done here.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
I love how "thinking about things a bit" on /x/ becomes SHEEPLIKE CLOSE MINDED SCEPTICISM
>> Anonymous
Ether is the lack of substance, though. I said any SUBSTANCE can fit into those four. And see>>259713. Fucking fail.

>>259839bullshit fifth has only been around since the eighties.
Aristotle would like a word with you.

I'm disappointed, /x/. I thought you occult/philosophy nerds knew your history better than this.
>> Anonymous
by your termination you imply that the sheep are the ones who ask questions about a situationa and put some thought into it, while the wolves rely on what they came up with with no basis for fact other then "lol everything is related to five dis mus b paranormal"
>> Anonymous

Wrong. There are four corruptible elements. Most such systems also posit a fifth, incorruptible element of which the heavens are composed. It is called aether or quintessence, and in the Platonic Solid to element correspondences it corresponds to the dodecahedron. The rest of that correspondence set is tetrahedron - fire, cube - earth, octahedron - air, icosahedron - water.
>> Anonymous
One of five, and all five relate to five in themselves.

Tetrahedron, because a tetrahedron viewed at a certain angle has five visible edges.

Cube, because a cube resting on the ground has five exposed sides.

Octahedron, because from a certain angle it has five visible points.

Dodecahedron, because it has pentagonal facets.

Icosahedron, because it contains twelve pentagons (look straight at the point of one, and you'll see it).
>> Eris
     File :-(, x)
So I heard you guys were talking about my fabulous five-fold golden rule. Mind if I join in?
>> Anonymous

>Everything is related if you try fucking hard enough.

Which is, in fact, the point you're eventually supposed to arrive at by looking for proofs or disproofs of the Law of Fives. It has a hidden qualifier, mentioned in the Illuminatus! Trilogy but not the Principia Discordia, that makes the whole thing say, basically, everything is somehow related to the number five as long as you're clever enough to contrive a way to make it so.
>> Anonymous

>> Anonymous

Yes it is. It's matter undergoing a highly exothermic chemical reaction. It is, therefor, a substance.
>> Anonymous
We need a /deb/ for debate.
>> Anonymous
If fire isn't a substance, then that agonizing third degree burn is just in your imagination.
>> Anonymous
no we don't, this is fine to debate it here, afterall, it is a fucking paranormal board and we're arguing about paranormal crap.
>> Anonymous
you mean the photo of the girl with 6 fingers?
"if everyone was like this there would be the law of 6" or something like that
man that book rocks, even in the appendix.
>> Anonymous

Pick up a handful of pure flame. Go. Go for it.
>> Anonymous

Pick up a handful of water or air, then. Can't do it? They must not be substances, then.
>> Anonymous
What? That's retarded, of course I'm not going to try because fire is hot.
>> Anonymous

That's it. It's worth reading if you're serious about Discordianism just for insights like that, and a damned good story too.
>> Anonymous
How long is the Illuminatus trilogy? Like, could I read the whole thing in under a day?
>> Anonymous

Not nearly. Plan on it taking a few days. It's a very large book.
>> Anonymous
Hmm, guess i won since no one would discount that One has nothing to do with five.

And no, not '1 = 100%, which divided by 20 is 5%'

Fucking 1, singular, by itself. 5x1 still would not work because that is more than one 1, which is what i'm talking about now.

gg though
>> Anonymous




>> Anonymous
Air isn't insubstantial ar-tard, and niether is fire.

Oh, and I noticed your "elements" are basically gas solid liquid and plasma. Too bad those classifications only apply to matter in a macroscopic sense, as atoms and molecules aren't inherently any of those.
>> Anonymous
Okay, then one is the number of things that the Law of Fives doesn't apply to. Therefore, it does relate to the Law of Fives, so the Law of Fives applies to it by virtue of the fact that the Law of Five doesn't apply.
>> Anonymous
1 is made up of 5 .2s.
>> Anonymous
Typical secular "logic." You discount what science can't explain. Of COURSE you can't prove a trend exists if every time someone can't explain it they just say "well it's a coincidence."
>> Anonymous
20 cigarettes in a pack, 20 / 4 = 5.
5 pieces of gum in a pack,
5 beers in a six-pa... hey, wait a second.
>> Anonymous
No, I discount theories that have no basis in reality. Did some magical space creature decide to make E the fifth letter? Even if it isn't a coincidence, what the fuck would it mean? Nothing.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Here is a good video regarding the number 5 in numerology:

(pic unrelated... or is it???)
>> Anonymous
american beer has 5% alcohol, just a fucking coincidence. Also, german beer has 6% alcohol, so how does that equal 5 jack asses?
>> Anonymous
oh wait, 6/2 = 3 2+3=5
now I'm doing it.
>> Anonymous

You're missing the whole damned point of the Law of Fives. It's true, you can construct a way that five is relevant to anything. Not just five in fact, but any arbitrary number, as long as you're sufficiently inventive. The Law of Fives isn't meant to illustrate an actual law of nature so much as it is the fact of subjective reality. There's no good reason that anything should follow it, but we can construct ways that anything and everything does. The Law of Fives is purely a result of subjective experience of objective reality.
>> Anonymous
it has 5 facial features: 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth.

the average american has pi memorized to 5 decimal places 3.14159

"thinking about things a bit" is 5 words

the symbol of the number one, '1' is a seires of line segments connecting 5 points

lul this is fun
>> Anonymous
I already know all that, I'm just responding to the one guy saying that E was the most used letter because it's 5th in the alphabet.
>> Anonymous
Well, no one can deny the inherent relation between the golden ratio and the number five.

Phi = .5(5^.5)±.5

Even if you don't count .5, you can't explain away the 5.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
No law of fives here, I only see breasts.
>> Anonymous
Nice tits, what show is she from?

By the way there are five characters in that picture.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Is that some adult Uma?
>> Anonymous

That is all. Twist it as you wish, Anon.
>> Anonymous

Which is why Discordians try not to take anything too seriously. When you do, you start coming up with truly ridiculous shit like that. There's a fine line between out philosophy of illumination through nonsense and outright conspiracy nut insanity, but it's there, and it shouldn't be crossed.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Five bytes.
>> Anonymous
Protip: this law works with any single digit number

>> Anonymous
That's because all single digit numbers are related to five.

Hence, all things are related to all things. ...Through five. Or through things related to five.
>> Anonymous
Infinity, beeatches.
Also Skewes' number, Graham's number. Rule of five THAT!
>> Anonymous

There are exactly 5 hands visible in the picture.
>> Anonymous
NOTHING...beat this niggers