File :-(, x, )
Another late night in the library /x/. Cystic fibrosis essay is boring me to death, so I'll regal you with some urban legends/ghost stories about our school:

1)There's a tunnel system that runs through all the buildings. Supposedly a girl was raped and killed one night, and the murderer continues to lurk waiting for another girl to walk by late one night
2) Several students jumped from the dorms, and you can see their bodies at the base of the buildings at night
3)A rapist broke into the dorms and raped three girls. He, like the mysterious murder dude is waiting to strike again.
>> Anonymous

Well that was extremely original, are you a professional writer? 10/10! Five stars! I just can't wait for your next thrilling post.
>> Anonymous

Your first mission:
1)Go outside and document the bodies/ghosts outside the dorms

And if you've really got balls:

2)Go down into the tunnel system and look for the murderer/rapist before they strike again.

Make us proud. Otherwise, GTFO
>> Anonymous
Okay, I didnt 'Rape' those girls man, So you can just Piss off
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
The library here has this massive archive area that stores most of the books. It's basically one of those creepy stereotypical libraries, with rows after rows of books and no people around. Freshmen typically get lost there.

Apparently some kid was in the occult section there a few years back when they "felt something breathing down their neck." They started running away and blacked out, and eventually someone found them.

I've got nothing to do, Anonymous. Should I go check it out?
>> Anonymous
Naah, it'd just be an easily-bri/x/'d freshman explaining why he was passed out and hit face. Also, from the thumbnail, that looks like a golden retriever or similar hod, with desu eyes, peeking around the end of those lockers.
>> Anonymous

I really doubt the bodies are true, it's probably just some first years who are too scared to sleep in the dorms without their mommies. The tunnels though, as soon as I get my hands on a camera I'm going in.
>> Anonymous
I'll ready the KY Jelly
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)

I heard the story and questioned the whole thing about having an "occult section" as well.

It might be worth just seeing what books they have in said section, though.
>> Anonymous

Also: What the hell ever became of the forum dedicated to writing and perfecting a delicious creepypasta about that thing?
>> Anonymous
Hell yes! And go back in numbers, that way if something fugly pops out, you stand a chance of not getting ganked.
>> Anonymous

Here it is:

Item#: SCP-173
Special Containment Procedures: Item SPC-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them. At all times, two persons must be looking at SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container.
Description: Moved to Site19 1993, little is known about item number SCP-173's origins. It is constructed from concrete and rebar and was once painted with Crylon brand spraypaint.
SCP-173 is animate and malevolent, if given the chance it will kill anyone within its line of site. Its weakness however is that it does not move while being watched. Despite this paralysis it is still highly dangerous, able to cover at least 2 meters in the literal blink of an eye. It typically kills by either snapping the victim's neck from behind, or grabbing the victim's throat and strangling them. Whatever animates SCP-173 does not give it much force with which to break things; as seen above, a large room with unbarred windows is fully capable of containing it. Its grip however is unbreakable, as when it is not moving the statue is as hard and strong as concrete.
While left alone in its room, one can hear a stone-on-stone scraping from within that is believed to be the sound of the SCP-173 moving about.
The reddish brown substance on the floor is a combination of feces and blood. We don't know (nor wish to find out) where it comes from or how it arrives but SCP-173's container will slowly fill with these substances. In order to ensure that bacterial growth within does not begin to damage the building it is contained in, and to maintain some level of sanitation, the enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis.
>> Anonymous
Why thank you.