File :-(, x, )
KaldrosTaviir !!rr8A0gmkprM
Okay I'm genuinely shitting bricks now

So I left my house at 5 to go to work
after leaving work at 9, I go to my friends house and arrive home now at 11:30

is carved into my wall

big fucking number across the wall

I think it's him
but I don't get how
that wasn't there when I left

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>> Anonymous
maybe you should hit your children more often
>> Anonymous
Stupid fuzzy picture that looks like it's moving even though it's not...
>> Wingeh
That's right dickhead.

I did it.

Now what?!
>> KaldrosTaviir !!rr8A0gmkprM
I forgot to mention
19 is how old I'm going to be in less than a month

I think it has something to do with that day
>> Anon
Pics, or it didnt happen maybe.

And thats bad, you should buy some armor and a sword. Go hunt that motherfucker down.
>> Anonymous

*flashes the sign of the Crimson King*
>> Wingeh

I know I left you at birth, But let this carved number be proof that I still hate your sorry ass.
>> Anonymous
Yeah, seriously, this should be VERY photo-friendly phenomena.
>> Anonymous

*flashes the sign of the Crimson King*
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Artist's rendition of OP's home
>> Anonymous
Hey, Kaldros, although many of these guys are /b/tard trolls, I do think you should post a pic of it if you can.
>> Anonymous
Flagg is all up in yo bizness
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
Goddamn gunslingers, always going around carving 19 into shit.
>> Anonymous
please fucking take a photo and i will believe you. and if you give me that, it won't show up in the photo bull shit, then take it anyway you cunt.
>> Anonymous

Finally someone got my fucking posts.

btw, I love you.
>> Anonymous

I love you too.
>> Anonymous
Pics or gtfo
>> KaldrosTaviir !!rr8A0gmkprM
I understood it. I love DT

There will be pics soon
I just don't have a webcam, so I got a disposable one and will scan it. it'll take a few days
>> Anonymous
Tell that fucker Flagg to back off.
>> ph0ny !!PHXxqZnA7Sh
     File :-(, x)
Artist's rendition of OP's home
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Who is 'him'? What do you mean 'in you'?
>> Anonymous
If you don't know him now, you'll hear of him soon enough.
>> Anonymous
Either an alternate personality, or some numinous being screwing with Kaldros.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> KaldrosTaviir !!rr8A0gmkprM
Mordred was a huge pussy that Stephen King just wrote in because he was too lazy to have a badass showdown with Roland and Flagg
>> SCP-013
Kaldros, dude. Did you find a carnival yet? If you can't, then just get all your friends to kick in some mirrors, and hang 'em up somewhere in a room. Plaster the walls with them. Try it like that.
>> Anonymous
Pics or it didn't happen.
>> Anonymous

Second, No excuses you faggot, find a way to post the pic.
>> KaldrosTaviir !!rr8A0gmkprM
I don't think the mirror has much to do with it, really...

pics are coming
just gotta borrow a digital camera for it
>> KaldrosTaviir !!rr8A0gmkprM
I think he's trying to communicate with me
I'm starting to hear whispering

Hopefully it's not just voices in my head