File :-(, x, )
Let's play a game, /x/ Anonymous
Here's how it will go. You will comment with either (A) a personally terrifying fear of yours, (B) a picture, story, or creepypasta DIRECTLY RELATED to a fear that someone else has posted, or (C) both. The idea is for us to all scare the shit out of one another, which is why we're all on /x/ in the first place, right?

My own personal fears involve the deep places of the world, such as the ocean (no one even KNOWS what's down there), deep caves (I wouldn't go see the Descent) and the like. I also have a thing with parasites: ticks and leeches creep me right the fuck out, and the movie Dreamcatcher gave me sleeping problems for a week.

Let the games begin!
>> Anonymous
Come on /x/, don't be pussies.
>> Mage-kern
     File :-(, x)
I'm afraid of personal failure.

pic related
>> Anonymous
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Pic related to OP's fear sort of, and my own; I'm fucking scared of sharks.

Also, death. I don't know what's going to happen when I die and I'm terrified of it.
>> Mage-kern
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>> Anonymous
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I'm afraid of open and plain spaces, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
>> Anonymous
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In all honesty, zombies are the only thing that really scares me.

<----This has got to be someones fear...
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)

Like this?

I'm afraid of spiders...
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)

Ha ha ha ha ha

I'm pretty unsettled by body horror, mutants and the like.
>> Mage-kern
     File :-(, x)

liek, screaming in agony and terror in a vain attempt to save yourself as your body slowly and irreversibly morphs into a grotesque, bloated, barely recognizable form? amirite
On a side note, thinking about body horror always activates my white knight complex
>> Anonymous

me too lol.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Everyone fears Alucard in the closet.

I am scared of falling. Not heights, not hitting the ground, just... falling. I suppose it is the hitting the ground that I'm ultimately concerned with, but it doesn't bother me as much as the prospect of falling. Which is weird, as I'm ok in high places, and on aircraft. Because I have a solid floor under me.

Oh, and spirals. Because fuck you, /x/.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Really dark and large storm clouds. I fear these very much because I'm always afraid a Tornado will touch down, and I fear tornados more then anything.
>> Anonymous
I get scared by high-resolution close-ups of insects' faces.
>> Madame StoryTeller !!6VWLzGF+N7e
     File :-(, x)
Mirrors and voids both scare the absolute fucking shit out of me.

In b4 measuring a strand of hair in the mirror copypasta.
>> Madame StoryTeller !!6VWLzGF+N7e
     File :-(, x)
Oh hai!
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
When I was 12, I had bought an old crappy radio from a pawn shop, not knowing what it was beyond "hey, this looks cool." It weighed a ton and took up all my week's allowance, and after a few hours of fiddling with it and getting nothing but static and silence, I ditched it and went off to play Nintendo. I forgot about it for a while, what use was a radio that didn't pick up any music? I took it as a lesson that I should spend my money more wisely, my mother told me not to shop at pawn shops anymore.

It started a night or so later. I woke up to some sort of noise in the middle of the night, out of a deep sleep. At first I had no idea what was going on, having just been startled awake, and I thought it was a TV off-broadcast signal. But then my half-unconcious mind realized I didn't have a TV in my room, or for that matter, anywhere upstairs. I snapped to my senses after realizing this fact, and the fear washed over me, my mind racing- was there some kind of UFO outside my window that was trying to talk to me? Was the FBI outside my door ready to take me away? Was it in my head, and I was going insane? When you're 12, your mind goes a mile a minute at every little thing. It sounded like some kind of gobbledegook going on and on, repeating, like a stuck record but warped and slightly off, in an untuned-radio kind of way...
>> Anonymous
And then it dawns on me. The fucking radio, I had left it on. I never unplugged it, the sound was coming from my old fucking radio. I rolled around in bed, having until then not moved at all for fear of what was going on behind me, and my eyes met with the radio still across the room, sitting on my shelf innocently, a little red light still faintly glowing near it's power button, the repetitive music still softly going. It wasn't loud enough to wake my mom up in the other room, but it was loud enough that it was all I could seem to hear. (I found out years later that the gobbledegook it was speaking was German.) I wasn't stupid, I knew this wasn't a music station and this was some of strange new-age shit, I knew there was something evil about what it was playing and that something was not right, like I wasn't supposed to be hearing this, like it wasn't meant for me.

Looking at my clock it read 2:50 or so AM, the only light in my room besides the LED and a glow-in-the-dark t-shirt on the floor was from the distant street lamps filtering in through my open blinds. I could see my reflection in the mirror behind it, also staring, not daring to tear it's eyes away from the demon radio, just like me. I don't think I'll ever be able to experience the sheer all-consuming, soul-freezing horror of those 3 minutes that felt like 3 hours. It's hard to describe the feeling of hearing something you know is wrong in some way, and no one can help you.
>> Anonymous
After a couple minutes and a long beep, it ceased, and radio went back to being the innocuous ripoff machine I bought a day or so ago. I guess I must have fallen asleep again, because I woke up and it was day, and I could hear my mom and my brother downstairs. Like fuck I forgot what happened that night, but of course I said nothing, I knew they wouldn't believe me, or at least, my mom would take my radio away saying it gave me nightmares. I could still hear the strange wobbly music in my ears, I still can to this day.

That was the first time I had heard a radio station, and the next time, I would come armed with a tape recorder.
     File :-(, x)
I hate the ocean. The unknown depths, the cold pockets, everything. But the worst of all are the creatures. Angler fish, sharks, squids, every creature under there. The vastness of it makes finding anything there a total blank. Who knows what horrors lurk bellow the huge rips in the darkness...
>> Mage-kern
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
Mary Poppins? That's the best you could do?
>> Anonymous
i used to have a bunch of fears but believe it or not /x/ and /b/ have taken them away from me. im basically just scared of blood, or falling and smashing my mouth and havign it bleed. i dunnowhy i remember reading part of memoirs of a geisha and that happened to the little girl, she fell and kept bleeding from her mouth and it just fucking sends shivvers down me. uggghhh i hate blood and bleeding. ghosts and aliens and shit give me the creeps for a while but blood and gore give me creeps forever. i can NEVER get those images out of my head...
>> Anonymous
The fear of loosing self control, right as you as you are looking over a high platform. You could just get the thought of jumping off and end up actually doing it.
>> Anonymous
too easy
>> Anonymous
Fuck, I'm so scared of it I can't even post a picture.

Captain Howdy from The Exorcist.
>> Anonymous

I used to have the same fear, but it went away when one of my family members started vomiting blood.
You'll get over it in due time.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
The heat death of the universe.

Top that.
>> Mage-kern

Prison gangbang rape by a large group of seven foot tall black men with 10 inch, bladed penises? Who completely disregard your existing holes and just make new ones?
>> Anonymous
My brother woke up one morning with a horrible red blotch and the place went numb on that part of his arm. We thought it was just a spider bite or something so we took him to get it treated. They gave him meds, and the spot vanished. Subconsciously, he kept scratching it and when he did the skin peeled off like wax and beneath it his whole arm was rotting but in a strange way. The tissue had become dry, like sand or sawdust. It had a brownish green color. He still could not feel it but he stuck his finger in to see how deep it went and the flesh dust went up half his finger. The walls where the decay had not reached were dry and leather, but thin. It was spreading, whatever it was.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
When I see pictures like this, I just laugh.

I laugh, /x/, I laugh.
>> Anonymous
"The fear of loosing self control, right as you as you are looking over a high platform. You could just get the thought of jumping off and end up actually doing it."

OMG I know just what you mean. I went to a tower during a vacation one time and we went out onto this open air deck with just a guardrail to keep you from falling. The entire time I kept like daring myself to climb up onto the guardrail and jump. I don't know why. But it was fucking scary as hell.

Sometimes while I'm driving and another vehicle is coming towards me in the opposite lane I also get the sudden urge to swerve into it - exactly like the tower thing. I don't understand it... and no I'm not suicidal. I just have this fear that I will actually do something I think about.
>> Anonymous
So how'd it go?
>> Anonymous
Deep, dark places. Black holes, bottom of the ocean. The ocean itself freaks me quite a bit.

The depths of space...

I also fear spiders, but that is fairly limited. I've channeled most of my fear into a raw hatred that ends with me over zealously attacking the things.

>> Anonymous
I fear people looking at me through windows or peepholes without me knowing... shit creeps me out.
>> Anonymous
I have a deep fear of CP, please do not post any.
>> Anonymous
Being kidnapped and murdered whilst in a foreign country.
>> Anonymous

i lol'd
>> Anonymous
Being kidnapped and murdered within walking distance of my house.
>> Anonymous

oh please don't bait anon with that... you never know when diehard /b/tards will be looking that this thread...
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
fuck these things scares the fuck out of me
>> Anonymous
>The fear of loosing self control, right as you as you are looking over a high platform. You could just get the thought of jumping off and end up actually doing it.
>The entire time I kept like daring myself to climb up onto the guardrail and jump. I don't know why. But it was fucking scary as hell.

This is the precise reason why The Enigma of Amigara Fault scared the shit out of me the first time I read it. I can just imagine the terror of not wanting to go into your hole, but being unable to resist it.
>> Anonymous

He died.
>> Anonymous
Extraterrestrials, shadow people or darkness in general, and mirrors. I can't fucking look at the bathroom mirror unless the light is on. It's especially a problem when I wake up in the middle of the night and have to go piss.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
FUCK I hate that. I have a friend who does that to me, its not funny
>> Anonymous
my biggest fear is hearing or seeing something that i am sure i heard or saw but my logic going against it. for example, i stayed at my cousins house and his house has a slight ghost problem. when i stayed it was late, 2 o clock or so, and my cousin had passed out with me sleeping on the floor. i had a pillow over my eyes and was listening to the ceiling fan to help me sleep. when i heard some mumbling. i froze. did i really just hear a voice?... no, i couldnt have. i tried to sleep but again i
>> Anonymous
Heard the voice. it sounded like a little girl. i decided to grow a pair and listened intently. i couldn make out anything but i could swear it was a little girl.... after about ten minutes i looked up into the darkness to see nothing. the voices stopped and i went to sleep.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
THERE ARE CREATURES LIVING IN MY WALLS. THEY ARE SMALL AND LOOK LIKE LITTLE IMPS. I SAW ONE WITHOUT MY GLASSES ON YET I COULD TELL IT WAS A SMALL HUMANOID. At night I hear them walking around and making noises. I am the only person in my house. They scare the fuck out of me. I keep a steak knife near my bed in case they try to come into my bedroom.

True story btw.
>> Anonymous
augrhj oh god man thats gross. thanks for freaking me out :|
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
Mirrors. Just...fuck. All of the creepypasta having to do with mirrors scares me so bad. I can't walk past a mirror unless the light is on or I'm running really fucking fast.
>> Anonymous
The Dark
and Needles
>> Anonymous
Mirrors, deep dark voids (space, deep ocean, deep caves, etc) and the unknown things that may be inside.

Also I worry that Lovecraft wasn't really writing fiction.
>> Anonymous
I have a fear that one day, I'll have a nightmare while I'm asleep instead of before, and never wake up.
>> Anonymous
I also get freaked at the idea of falling and smashing my mouth against the pavement or a kerb or something.
I'm also apprehensive of looking into mirrors at night and the idea of Capgras Syndrome is pretty creepy.
>> Mage-kern
I'm afraid of huge cocks
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
You have every reason to.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Dammit /x/ I have to get on a plane tomorrow morning -.-
I hate blank pages in the back of books
>> Anonymous
That's pretty fucking scary.

I'm afraid of my ghosts appearing on my monitor as I turn it on to ward away the darkness.
>> Anonymous
I'm afraid of castration
>> Anonymous
I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied I lied
>> Anonymous
I'm so sorry.
>> Anonymous
Oh God, please forgive me. I will never lie like that again. Please do not punish him for my lie.
>> Anonymous
I'm sorry.
>> Anonymous
Please, don't punish him.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
I fear going insane insane insane and going insane. I fear karma. Karma's going to get me. It will get me every time. I'm sorry for my sin. Please don't let it get them or me. I'm sorry. I will be good. I don't want to lose my mind.
>> Anonymous
You can't help me. You just laugh at me and scorn my existence. Karma will get you too. Then you will beg for mercy and find yourself in a drooling heap on the floor with your wits spirited away and all that you loved destroyed
>> Mage-kern
>> Anonymous
I'm afraid of blackness. If there is any light at all (no matter how small, dim whatever, even a small dot of light from a LED power switch is enough) I'm fine but the prospect that there is absolutely no way to see anything and that I could be walking into nothingness and never find my way out or that there could be fucking Freddy Kruger standing in front of me and I'd never know freaks me out.
>> Anonymous
What nobody in this thread realizes is, the OP is actually a serial killer who is tracking the posters of /x/ through their IP addresses. ITT he's collecting our fears.

I'm afraid of botched anesthetics during an operation, so you'd be awake the whole time, and totally aware, but completely paralyzed.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
I'm afraid of walking over to look out my window one night and having something smash through the glass and grab me. Just a giant hand or something, latching onto the upper half of my body and ripping me through the window.

Also, whatever is under my bed that makes that stupid lip smacking noise from 1 to 4 in the morning.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
I'm afraid of dolls.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
I'm pretty freaked out by tornadoes too.

I think that it would be pretty cool to see one in daylight on some sort of tornado chasing tour...

But when I'm home alone at night (especially when I lived out in the country) and the warning sounds start coming over the TV and radio, or when I hear distant severe weather sirens, I always freak out a little. I'm getting cold chills just thinking about this.

I don't know what it is about that twisting black cloud. I was scared of the tornado in The Wizard of Oz as a child...I'm sure that my current phobia stems from watching Dorothy try to escape from that almost sentient thing in the distance. Anybody else feel this way?
>> Anonymous
I'm not terribly afraid of anything unless if I'm alone. If I'm all by myself, I'm afraid of the dark, afraid of crawl spaces, afraid of spiders, etc. Anyone else?
>> Anonymous
What happened with the tape recorder?
>> Anonymous
Yeah, me too. I'm afraid of what's behind doors when I'm alone. I'm scared that I'll open a door one day to have it run into something. I shit myself nearly every day when I open my bathroom door and it runs into a towel on the floor and I think I've run into some terrible bloodthirsty rapistmonsterthing.
>> Anonymous
fuck dolls! my great grandmother used to have a shit ton in the bedroom i slept in when i was there. she had a female doll with red hair in pig tails and freckles and blue eyes and i swear to god the light would shine into the room at night and hit nothing but that FUCKING DOLL all fucking night long and it would stare at me.

fucking gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking of it.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Tinktink - tinktink

These monsters give me chills.
>> more-cushin-for-de-pushin
fear mirrors?

Mirrored self-misidentification is the delusional belief that one's reflection in a mirror is some other person (often believed to be someone who is following them around). Often people who suffer from this delusion are not delusional about anything else. It is considered to be a monothematic delusion and sometimes also labeled as a delusional misidentification syndrome. This disorder is often found within the context of dementia and can also be caused by the organic disfunction resulting from traumatic brain injury, stroke, or neurological illness.
>> Anonymous
No, I just think it'd be creepy to see my reflection move or grin when I'm not.
>> Anonymous
There was a short stroy by stephen king about a monkey that killed people when he clapped his cymbals.
>> Anonymous
Doppelgänger! that idea freaks the shit out of me. once when i was on acid i watched my reflection in the mirror walk away. what if there's a parallel universe in mirrors?
>> Anonymous
this can be cured. somtimes if the person is looking in a very small mirror, they don't see a double, they see themselves. you gradually give them larger mirrors untill they realise that are looking at their reflection.
>> Anonymous
was directed at
>> Anonymous
My uncle collects clown memorabilia. I slept on his couch some long time ago, and woke up in the middle of the night. Let me tell you, I'd rather have woken up with a Grue, a BEK, Pyramid Head AND Chris Hansen staring at me rather than several dozen smiling clown dolls staring down at me from EVERY DAMN WALL.

And of course, if you weren't taking fucking pictures to document their locations, there's no way to know if one of them maybe... moved?
>> Anonymous
true. clowns are evil, i don't give a fuck. they scare me for no reason i can think of. dolls are horrible, but clown dolls are the worst!
>> Phil Ossiferz Stone !!LTdvXGU+wop
     File :-(, x)
My fear: Death without having accomplished anything. No kids, no books published, nothing but a Phil-shaped hole that will vanish within a couple years as the folks that knew me put me out of their mind. And spiders.

See pic.
>> Anonymous
Nice try. I'm not normally afraid of clowns. At 2 in the morning and 13 years old, sure.
>> Anonymous

There are more than a few times that I've walked past a mirror and thought "heh, that guy over there has a cool shirt"
>> Anonymous
I am also terribly afraid of clowns. I went to the psychiatrist one day to have him check out my anxiety disorder. Guess what that mother fucker had tons and tons of dolls of all over the god damn place...
>> Anonymous
>>or neurological illness

i wonder if this could possibly mean seizures too? i have them, they're unexplained, and mirrors don't freak me out as much as confuse me.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
It doesn't matter what kind of creepypasta I read or if the house is full of people, when the lights are off I can't imagine anything else than turning a corner or looking down a dark hallway and seeing something alien staring at me. Just looking over a banister or peeking over the side of the hallway just waiting for me. I feel scared now...
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Shadow people. I slept over at a buddy's house once, and woke up in the middle of the night to see a shadowy figure in the corner 'staring' at me. Freaked the shit out of me, and I'm not easily scared. I seriously threw the covers up over my head like a little kid, and stayed awake until dawn, when I was certain that it was 'gone'.
>> Anonymous
The first time I tuned to a numbers station and didn't know wtf it was. It was a woman speaking very monotone numbers. And after so many numbers, a word repeated a certain number of times.
The next night, I tuned to the same freq and it started up again, but this time was hit by a jammer that was FUCKING LOUD. Completely stomped all over the numbers woman and was just an annoying tone. My calculations had it in the way-illegal 2000+ MEGAWATTS. Whatever she was saying, uncle sam didnt want us to hear it.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous

it's been transmitting non-stop since 1973.
>> Anonymous
holy shit thats creepy i get the same fucking thing aye omg lol
>> Anonymous

Same. One night, I was staying at a hotel with a mirrored wardrobe which was right next to my bed. I stared into the mirror for a while. My eyes went out of focus and I swear to god, my face morphed into a monster. My eyes went completely black, I had slits for a nose and a big mouth full of pointy teeth. I decided never to look into mirrors at night again.
>> Anonymous
Ridiculous as it sounds, I'm afraid of losing my teeth. Yeah. I have fucking nightmares where my teeth just start coming out for no reason. Thing is, I've actually lost a front tooth, and it doesn't even bother me. Yay for modern dentistry, implants = awesome.
>> Anonymous
holy shit, i just checked that out and it's freaky.
does anyone know who works there or who did some of the voice messages?
>> Anonymous
I am scared shitless by two things; open water and derelict buildings. These two fears culminate horribly as a phobia of shipwrecks. I almost shat my pants when I saw this advert on TV a while ago
>> Anonymous
Only two things scare me. And one of them is nuclear war.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
This is going to sound strange, but...

Drops on amusement park rides(like Splash Mountain), especially if they're in the dark. I've been avoiding Pirates of the Carribean for years because of this. The thing is, I'm not really afraid of heights or falling, just drops.

My personal hell: a rollercoaster-type drop in total darkness that just keeps going down and down, and there's no way to stop it...

Cute pic to balance out all of the creepy on this thread.
>> asdadsasdas Anonymous
aaaaaa...... scary :D
>> Anonymous
It's not that I'm afraid of my own reflection. I'm afraid of seeing the reflection of something else.
>> Anonymous
At least a tripfag who's read his Dostoyevsky is better than a tripfag who hasn't.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Air raid sirens creep the fuck out of me. I literally freeze up and clench my fists and close my eyes. I fucking cant' stand them, even though I've only ever heard them in games and movies. Pic related, cuz it's the only "unsettling" thing for me in the series.
>> Anonymous
my no. 1 paranormal fear; that sleep paralysis where an old lady stands over you and watches you while you sleep, and those things in the phillipines where the further away they are and the closer they sound, and vice versa.
>> Anonymous
when you hear tornado sirens, which is kind of similar i guess, in real life it's much more anticlimactic sorta like a car alarm in the distance.
>> Anonymous
i'm afriad of clustrers of holes
>> Anonymous
I don't like heights...But there's nothing scary about them. I have a fear of falling I guess.

A few nights ago, I woke up...But I wasn't really awake. I was conscious that I was laying on the couch, and I could hear The Daily Show in the background, but I couldn't move or open my eyes. I don't know why I was scared, I've never been that fucking terrified in my life. It felt like something was really close to me. I tried to scream, but I only exhaled through my nose. Then I concentrated on moving my foot, and eventually was able to move, and open my eyes.
>> Anonymous

Shit.>>509533here. I should've read before posting my night hag story.
>> Anonymous
black holes because they move 1 million miles per second sucking up everything in their path
>> SCP-013 !!GTROp2Z31oC
The fucking dark. Yes, SCP-013 is scared of the fucking dark. I don't have a night light or anything, but being somewhere dark with no light whatsoever...I can't do it. Flashlight, candle, fucking match. Anything. no. Fucking. DARK!
>> Anonymous
Narutards scare me... Oh Jesus Christ... They scare me a lot... I'm so glad that none live near me... They'd probably dismember me like they say they would if they knew where I lived... Eek Narutards. "I like Kino's Journey!" "OMG IT'S NOT NARUTO U SUCK GO DIE ILL KILL YOU" and the horrible grammar! Eek!
>> aeryl
Off the bat i don't write a good story. But about a year or two ago (i was still in highschool) for what seemed like more than one week, everynight, i had this recurring dream that i would awake in the middle of the night and have to take leak like 1:3 chance everynight amirite? So, i go to the bathroom take a piss washup and upon opening the door to return there's nothing. I'm standing in my bathroom looking into pitch black and was absolutely sure that there was just nothing beyond the threshold. I remained in my bathroom panicking until i wake up. A few days after the dream stops I woke up and had to take a piss, but right when i woke up it was different, i was fucking terrified for no reason, I just sat in bed glancing around the room for hours avoiding my door as I could see some light in the bathroom from my door. Not really scary, but it made me think.
>> Anonymous

Shadow people, scary shit man :|

for some reason i have a vivid memory of waking up in bed when i was little and seeing something shadowy walking.. or more like creeping.. along by the walls =/

I have no idea what it was, but I know I shat my pant and dived right back under those covers ASAP!

The more I visit /x/ now, I think it was a shadowperson...
>> Anonymous
I knew saving this story would come in handy

I am sitting on my computer at about 10:30. It’s storming outside, but not a terrible storm, just the occasional thunder shock and even more rare lighting bolt with a very light rain. Almost all the lights in the apartment were off, and I’m just talking to some friends over AIM. Then suddenly it became very very cold. As if the storm from outside was creeping to the door.I just figure there was a temperature drop because of the storm, so I toss on a sweatshirt. After about 30 minutes or so I’m still freezing cold.

I start to get this feeling.
It’s a feeling we all have felt before.
The feeling that someone is staring at you.
The feeling that this someone is not very far away.
The feeling that if you turn your head the slightest bit, you would see them.

I shrug this feeling off because I am an extremely paranoid person and I get this feeling all the time. I continue to converse with my friends, I even mentioned this sensation that I currently had, and my friends naturally laugh at me saying I need to stop being a baby. The sympathetic ones say it will go away eventually and not to worry. I waited awhile…it did not go away. In fact it increased.

It felt like something was consuming the very Happiness within me.
Like something was filling me with Dread.
That chilling Terror we all felt as children when the lights were turned out.
A true Fear of the Dark.
But it’s not the dark we are afraid of....but of what lurks in the dark
>> Anonymous
I almost couldn’t take it anymore. Here I am, almost a grown man, and I’m jumping at shadows. It’s ridiculous, but as ridiculous as it seems, I still have this little voice in the back of my head telling me that maybe I have a reason to be afraid. Maybe I should turn around and see if there’s actually anything there.

Wait…why would I turn around?
I don’t want to turn around.
Whose thought was that?
That certainly wasn’t mine.
But who else’s could it be?

I reached my limit. If I stay in this chair another second I’m going to go insane. I wonder if I can make it to my room before this thing gets me. It could be nothing, but I am not staying here to find out. I’m a pretty fast runner, there’s no way this thing can catch me. Let’s do this.
The chair clatters as it falls to the floor. I don’t think I could move this fast again if I wanted to. After my first foot was through the gateway to my room, I was already in the process of slamming the door. I rush over and turn on every light, including the T.V. making sure there’s no room for any shadows. I put my ear to do the door to see if I can hear it following me.

Complete Stillness
The type of silence most people only experience once in a life time.
I don’t know why people would ever seek this type of quiet.
I never want to hear silence again.
>> Anonymous
>>509594final part

I slowly back away from the door. I have one thought going through my mind. What in the hell did I just see, and why did I ever look over my shoulder. I will never forget what I saw. It was a shadow, but it wasn’t a shadow. It was free standing, as if it was a man. The surrounding night seemed to channel into this horrific being, making it seem blacker than the darkest pit in hell. It chilled me down to my very bones. Though something peculiarly odd stood out about this particular shadow being, it had a cane with a silver handle, and a top hat akin to something you’d expect to see in a movie from the early 20th century.
And the thing that was the scariest part about it:
To this day I swear it was smiling, and not the smile you ever ever want to be on the receiving end of.

A smile that said I’m evil.
A smile that said I had fun tonight.
A smile that said I enjoyed toying with you.
A smile that said I really want to hurt you.
A smile that said I’ll see you again.

Props to that kid who posted this the other night
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)

demonic influence. Whether you believe it or's the reasons for thinking the most random terrible thoughts. When the demon whispers into your ear it speaks in the first person, and your subconscious hears it and thinks it's your own thoughts.
>> Frightened Individual !IAd1rUKHuQ
Demons scare the shit out of me, getting possessed =/= fun
>> The Watcher !qJglaZqtEM
\o/ for the pentacles of mars!
>> Anonymous
True story.

Once when I was 9 I woke up and a demon spoke to me. Out of my will I started to write on the walls. My mother then entered my room and started to read it:

The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.

Then she exploded.
>> Anonymous
I'm afraid of forks because whenever i hold one i get a pretty strong urge to stab myself in the eye with it. Also snagging a broken toenail on a carpet.
>> Anonymous
Once upon a time there was a little girl that liked to stabb herself in the eye. The first time was when she was 4 years old. The second when she was 18 years old. The Third when she was 37 years old.
>> Anonymous
Is anyone afraid of not dying? Because i was just thinking that most of our fears stem from our will to live, but why not fear the opposite. I just realized I'm terrified of the idea that i might live forever as i am now, constantly needing to feed etc... creeps me out sometimes to think how much is just animal and how much is actually intelligent.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
apparently losing teeth in dreams has something to do with lying too much.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)

No problem Emo kid!
>> The Watcher !qJglaZqtEM
As for what i'm afraid of.. Myself. Studying magick ((inb4 trollspam, get over it, I'm unscientific)) has gotten rid of my fear of dreams, demons, ghosts, and generally things that go "bump" in the night, by teaching me how to deal with them..

Myself however, there is no cure for, I mess up somewhere, make a mistake when doing a rite, and it's a deeep hole full of mindfuck waiting for me.
>> Anonymous
so let's say your doing a "rite" and all that magic stuff somehow doesn't like the way you dance or something, I fail to see why if magic is real then it no longer has a sense of humor. I say you fuck up a rite on purpose just to find out.

You never know otherwise.
>> The Watcher !qJglaZqtEM
seen what happens to the people who do, and would rather not.

and I mean a chaos magick rite, the kind that irreversably fucks your psyche up.. not the 'oho i'm possesed bohoo" bullshit.

Chaos magick uses alot of autohypnosis and conditioning to change your base psyche.. botch that and bad shit happens.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
>> Frightened Individual !IAd1rUKHuQ
>> Anonymous
Porcelain dolls.

Fuck you for scarring my childhood, Chucky.
>> Anonymous
Dying out in isolation and leaving everyone to think you just ran out on all of them, oh and that old lady who sits your chest when you sleep.
>> Anonymous
>> Mage-kern

Oh my, is this post about magic?
I think it is
>> Anonymous
me too....
>> Anonymous

ever heard of robert the doll? jesus fuck, probably the scariest mother fucker i've ever heard of.

cameras and digital shit malfunctions when its near him and wont work until out of the building. someone was recording the shit in the musueam and when it got to his display, all sound died out.

tldr; robert the doll is a scary little shit
>> Mage-kern

Oh no, a child's toy made of cloth and stuffing, what ever will we do!
>> Anonymous
there was this time when I was a kid, we'd moved from a place out in the country to the capitol city, where I live now.
Our first house was a triangle based aprox 250 square feet property with two floors, a creepy-as-hell basement, an attic (not creepy at all) and in between the ground floor and the first one was some kind of middle-fucking floor wich had it´s entrance filled of garlic and plaster owls creepy as fuck... there was a nasty smell, kinda like mud as I crawled up and when I made my way up there (it was one of those really old houses from the old times with really fucking unreachable ceilings) but guess what?
the middle floor had a ceiling only about half a meter high and the only light source was a hole like 25 cm in diaeter (thank god I did this during the day). So, I got scared as shit and almost fell into the basement (wich I was half away when I entered that passage).
Fear is your enemy /x/, is all I can say. From that day on I tend to supress fear in the moment it appears, and then I try to learn the lesson.
>> Anonymous
anal sex
>> Anonymous
chuck norris. the ultimate fear
>> Anonymous
technoviking. the ultimate fear
>> Anonymous
Becoming this girl is my worst fear
>> Anonymous
this is a personal account and ive told this story to many of my friends and has become rather popular and gained me some fame because of it and people keep asking me to tell it again.

i was bakcpacking through france in paris and was staying at my uncle's friend's apartment that he didn't use because he was living alone (divorced) but now moved in with his new wife and still couldn't find anyone to sell or rent the apartment to and since i was passing by i was allowed to use the place.
>> Anonymous
the plan was to stay there for 5 days 4 nights but because of strange things happening to me all the time i left early.

the first night was rather ok. the view from the window was just the street and lamps and cars and such. i was tired and after washing up went to bed. i heard a couple arguing but didn't think much of it and went to sleep.

pic unrelated
>> Anonymous
the next day was spent eating french food and visiting the city and all that jazz.
in the afternoon i went back to the room and while i was unpacking i got that thing where you see soemthing out of the corner of your eye and you could swear you saw soemthing but when u look theres nothing there. this happened another 2 to 3 times that evening.

when i went to bed, the couple arguing was there again. i didnt really feel like sleeping so i tried to stay up to listen to what they were saying. i also made an effort to distinguish if they were above or below me since sometimes its difficult to tell if the sound within a building is above or below u. after a bit of concentrating i realized that it was above me for sure.
>> Anonymous
then something annoying happened. at the time only annoying but later i think it was pretty scary. whenever i tried to focus really hard to listen to what they were saying (it sounded like english, i've studied a bit of french and know the sounds and flow of the language so it wasnt french) it would sort of fade out and become much softer. then i would read a book and it would come back louder than ever.
then i decided to get up and listen to some music on my cd player.
>> Anonymous
When I was 10 years old I went to a pee wee soccer game with my cousin. We got /b/ored and decided to take a walk around the lake near where the game was being played. As we were walking we noticed this small path that cut off from the main one and into the bushes. We figured we'd be adventurous and followed it. After about 5 minutes we can to a swampy area and couldn't go any further. We looked out onto a field and saw a guy walking with a large, human sized plastic bag slung over his shoulder. The guy then buried the bag, and proceeded to smoke a cigarette. Then I guess he saw or heard us and started running at us. I instantly shat my pants, and ran back to the abundant amounts of soccer moms. Told my mom, she said I was full of horse shit.

True story
>> Anonymous
what i noticed was that the music setting was for bass level 2. i normally have bass level 1 but i thought maybe it got bumped and the button got pressed so thats ok. but i was starting to feel a little bit of the creeps coming so i checked my wallet for no particular reason really. all the money was still there so phew i thought but then i noticed something weird. i always keep those passport photos of me in my wallet incase some card application needs it and i dont wana run out and get another one of those shot just for that 1 photo and the rest of the 3 just get lost. but these photos ive kept in my wallet for a few months and suddenly they all had smudges on them, like someone dripped water on a cheap jetprinter print out when it was still wet and smeared it. not much, but just a little, enough for me to notice.
>> Anonymous
this was starting to freak me out a bit because this would mean that someone was in my wallet and was more interested in my picture than my money.

so i go back to the bed and try to sleep and think about it tomorrow. im laying there looking out the window and something rushes past the window outside. it wasnt super fast but it lasted maybe a half second to 1 second. it actually looked like an old painting and it didnt fall from above it went from left to right. at this point i get up and run to the window and see if theres anything there, but i see nothing.

that night i finally get to sleep.
>> Anonymous
the third night i was starting to get really uneasy already. during the day i kept thinking about the strange things happening and couldn't enjoy myself. i kept thinking about my photos that were tampered and the thing outside my window.

so im back in the apartment on the bed writing a journal about the art galleries i visited that day and the argumenting couple comes on again and same as last time, whenever i focus it tunes out. so i said fuck it and just keep writing my journal. then out of the corner of my eye i see something black and blurred move again and i turn my head so fast my neck goes snap. i saw it somewhere around the desklamp but again nothing there. i finish up writing and turn on the tv to see if anything interesting is on.
>> Anonymous

>> Anonymous
so im watching tv and its boring as hell cuz its all french and all lame game shows and such and im getting sleepy so i thought good ill get real sleepy and just sleep and forget about this but then, a single drop of water falls on the bed near my feet. i look up to see if its a leak but nothing there. no crack no water droplets. so im thinking how the fuck did that water get there? where did it come from? now im getting real freaked out and the wind was blowing outside howling in the window and i know its normal but the mix of events are just too much for me. i could feel the hairs on my arms standing on end and im shivering and i get my phone and call my uncle and ask if i could stay at his house with his family and he said sure and asked why and i reluctantly told him and he was real cool, didnt make fun of me and such and said he'd be there asap. then i ask him if he knows who the people living above me are and if they're always noisy and he doesnt answer me for a long time. i then repeat the question and ask if they're from the US or smthn cuz they sounded like they were speaking english. at thsi point he tells me to not move and he'd be right there. this creeps me out even more and i was glued to the bed under the covers. u know when ur so fucking scared ur in ur bed and it feels like the fucking safest place ever but in reality a fucking bread knife would go through the blankets yea haha. so im there and my uncle gets there and knocks and i answer and he helps me get my stuff and when we're in the car on the way to his house he tells me the apartment above where i was staying has been uninhabited for 7 years now. i didnt say shit for the rest of the night and left france the next morning.
>> Anonymous
ocean depths scare me bad. mainly the saying "theres always a bigger fish" it could be a whale but so big it cant tell me from its food.... im talking a whale whose left dorsal dwarfs an aircraft carrier or bigger.. or i have creepy thoughts of scuba diving deep and shining my light over the edge of a deep sea gorge and see nothing but a big fucking squid eye.. and only part of it.. not even the whole thing.

mirrors scare me. i could actually probably credit /x/ with that fear as i dont remember having it before this site. my bathroom door stays closed always. when i have to get up to pee i crack the door only enought to get my fingers in against the wall to flip on the lights..i never look into mirrors in the dark ever..there was this one time i decided to do it. i closed the door and turned out the lights and stood a foot from the mirror making the most horrific faces i could to scare the fear out of me..i got that feeling i was looking at someone he was the one making the faces.
>> wow Anonymous
I'm personally afraid of heights
>> Anonymous
a fear of heights is only a fear of one's self.
>> Mage-kern

>> Anonymous
another fear is waking up one night or turning around to someone at my door staring in at me... no movement.. just staring. same thing through a mirror or window. just a motionless gaunt stare.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
ooh look at this pic deep sea fears! the megalodon was the size of a 4 school buses right? or was it 5-6?

anyways the archelon in the lower right was as big as a bus
>> anon-E-moose
I worry that same thing
>> Frightened Individual !IAd1rUKHuQ
I actually believe Cthulhu exists
I mean cmon...the Bloop
>> Anonymous
thuh bleeeewpuh
>> Another Zombie
     File :-(, x)
(A) - Presences I am not aware of--things watching me without my knowing.
<--(B)Tried to find one for the mirror fear but this is the best I've got.
>> Nightmare Otaku !!GTROp2Z31oC
Congratulations. Semi-freaked. Same tripfag, new name!
>> DatWanDood
Stuff that doesn't bleed when cut
Stuff that comes back to life
Dead stuff
Dead stuff's eyes snapping open
Losing my temper and killing someone
Not being able to protect those that are important to me

I think that's all, next is two real life stories enjoy

First, when I was 8-9 I was sleeping in my living room on this old adjustable bed, with a box fan on to keep me cool, sleeping along when i feel something touch the left side of my chest, i wake up and look up i see an arm that trails up in to this dark tall shadowy figure, I'm scared shitless and I can feel it's fingers digging intro my chest as it makes these horrid raspy incoherent noises, I try to yell for help and can't, I try to move but the hand just digs in deeper, then the area between the thing and the box fan begins sparking with some weird blue electricity, and a calming voices speaks from the light in the same incoherent language, then the dark figure's body draws in towards it's hand and it enters my chest, the blue light fades and my box fan never worked again after that day, told my friends at school they started calling me the demon child, satanist etc yeah that was creepy as fuck
>> DatWanDood
Second story, I blame paint fumes for this one... December 2006, me and my mom had started cleaning out and repainting my kitchen, we got to the cabinets and stopped, so the next day it was just me on my day off, i start cleaning out the cabinets when I run into bones a shit ton of bones presumably from rats, snakes etc, this creeps me a bit so I quickly sweep them into the trash, finish cleaning the cabinets and start to paint them, using red paint, things are going pretty good til I get to the upper left cabinet's door, I paint the front no problem, I start painting the back of the door though and I see a woman's face admist the paint, the mores I paint to try and cover it up the more vivid and real it looks, then the paint began to run down the face it had made leaving only her boutline, the outline of her screaming, the paint dripping from the door began to pool up like blood then I felt and overwhelming sense of being watched by something that clearly wanted to hurt me, so I slammed the cabinet door, ran into the living room and painted it the next morning when the fumes had died down, only that time there was no face, no outline or anything so uh yeah that scared the shit outta me
>> Anonymous
MY only real fear is coming into contact with something I can't fight, especially something that wants to do worse things than kill me. On the other hand, if I can fight and kill it, no matter how bad the odds, it's no longer scary.

Also, fuck you guys who are afraid of space. The ocean I guess I can understand. Space is infinite though, who doesn't want to know what's out could be totally amazing.
>> Nightmare Otaku !!GTROp2Z31oC
Listen to this man, for he is wise. The only bad thing about space is getting spaced. Most unmanly way to die ever. And it really does help if you have the knowledge that you can kill it, no matter how small the chance/possibility.
>> Narutard
I wouldn't sleep tonight if I were you, otherwise me and my buddies will come and we'll do our special Naruto Rasengan Barrage on you!!!! its like my friends are my clones n we hit u wit teh rasen gan and knock you in two teh air n den i hit you in th ehead wit a biggar rasen gan!!!! and my bro sorta looks like kakashi and he's got a kenky genky and the sharengun!!!

So tell me... Where is Sasuke tebayo?!?!
>> Anonymous
Holy fuck, what awesome music for an advert.
>> Anonymous
I heard it represents insecurity
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
I'm scared of pure silence, getting stalked and eaten by wolves, deep open waters, open fields, and the "area" in the shitty movie "The Village". That fall, cloudy, wet forest feel. FUCK
>> Anonymous
gifs on /x/.

>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
The ghost in my room. It scares the shit out of me because I don't know if it's trying to get rid of me or warn me of something.

Also, rust and large, vicious dogs.

And loud, loud, loud, sudden noises. Ffffuck.
>> Anonymous
The mirror above my head glistens. Pairs of legs protrude from it, lazily bicycling. I'm sinking, slowly, darkness growing around me. The cold comes with the dark; the dive fins of my friends above are waving goodbye.


Something tears through the neoprene. Red swirls join the last of the blue light. The edge of the cave... fire coral. It should hurt. It doesn't. I gasped for air involuntarily when I first felt the teeth in my leg. There was only water to breathe.

A few last seconds to watch the ribbons of my long hair in the deep cobalt around me. The faint glints of the mirror disappear as my head hits the lip of the cave.


Welcome home.
>> Anonymous
Oh yeah, deep dark waters. Not scary as such, but the idea of having to swim, for some reason or another, out in the middle of the ocean or something, no land in sight and nothing but water beneath me freaks me out. Also, drowning would be a shitty way to die.
>> Anonymous
well uh, from a scientific point of view (gwah sorry for rambling), all fear DOES come from either A: things we don't know / understand or B: things that HURT really fucking badly / lead to a painful death =p

We don't understand a phenomenom = we are scared of it.

But I must admit, 4chan in general scares me, too =D
shit that's right.. it contains both, A and B !
>> Anonymous
Is that from that one book? The one that takes place in Australia where at the very start of it that girl's brother gets eaten by a fish or something?

I read that when I was like eleven, I shat some bricks.
>> Mola

>> Anonymous
My fears include:

Open water (i always feel like something huge is coming to the surface to snap at my legs)
Space (although it would be cool to navigate, i'd be scared as fuck)
and Spiders
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
I am terrified of large birds (i was chased by a heard of emu once).
>> Anonymous
To be honest I'm REALLY scared of those little girls you see in the horror movies/stories/artwork.
I'd shit bri/x/ for the rest of my life if I encountered one of those little girls, who are wearing a dirty white gown, have long messy dark hair and white eyes... /shiver
Thinking alone makes bri/x/ come out...
>> Anonymous
You’ve been out with your friends for the night, and return home at 3:00 AM just a little tipsy, having been the designated driver.
You step into your house, which seems unusually cold even for a night like this, and you walk over and turn the television on. Much to your annoyance, you find that there‘s nothing on but lousy talk shows and horrible music channels playing pop-rock and Britney Spears. You turn the television of.
You go to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water, not wanting to risk even the tiniest of hangovers. You notice unintelligible chatter coming from the TV room, despite the fact that you could have sworn you just turned it off.
You go to check on it and much to your surprise, it’s turned on and showing a talk show where a girl on it swears her house is haunted. Despite never having been much of a believer you take a certain interest in this. It may be the alcohol, but you find it believable.
After 45 minutes of this you fall asleep on your couch, but soon wake up to the sound of creaking. With the talk show fresh in mind, you man up and go investigate. The sound seemed to come from your room, from the closet. You open your closet door, finding nothing. Relieved, you go back to the couch because your bed is still covered. However, just before exiting the room a shiver goes down your spine. You can’t help but turn around, and having the light turned off you seem to notice something on your bed. You’re frozen in terror. The thing on your bed slowly rises.
>> Anonymous
Deja-vu's scare the shit out of me...Had one that lasted like 30 sec and it drove me nuts
>> Anonymous
Dull and drawn out
>> my fears Anonymous
my worst fears are being satisfied with my life, the shadows at the bottom of boddies of water, and bath tub drains i guess. maybe being alone
>> Anonymous
There's a roller coaster ride in Six Flags Dallas, Texas that done completely in the dark. ;) Really, I've ridden it a couple of times before, it takes you down on drops, loops, etc. like a real roller coaster but inside a huge building shaped like a mountain.
>> Sell yourself.
My worst fear? Civilization never crumbling.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
i have a full blown phobia of air raid sirens too, i actually go insane if i hear them. once i was on holiday in paris when i was about 8 years old with my parents and for no reason an air raid siren just started going off. thats not why im scared of them and i wasnt scared of them back then but it might be linked. i also have a fear of radiation suits, not so much gas masks even though they are scary, but radiation suits like the one on the left in the picture really fuck me up. once again i dont know why. and also when i go to the bathroom at night time i have to sit down and leave the door open, because im scared if i stand up when i turn around something will be there staring at me, i also have a fear of open spaces and i like having my back up against a wall. theres a window at the bottom of my stairs and whenever i walk up my stairs i get that weird feeling at the back of my neck as though somethings watching me. sorry to ramble lol
>> Anonymous
I'm afraid of being locked away, but I'm also attracted to the thought of being insane enough to be locked away.

tl;dr, Want to be insane; afraid of being insane. I make no sense.
>> Anonymous
I once dated a really strange girl that lived with her grandparents. The first time I went over her house to visit, we're going up the stairs to her room. At the top of the stairs, no lights are turned on... the landing is completly black, except for a bare bulb that is affixed (somehow) to a bookshelf loaded with junk. On the shelf, right next to the bulb, is a porcelin doll. Imagine...
Light comes on, doll stares into your soul.
Light goes off, that doll's sneaking up behind you for all you know.
Light comes on, your soul goes cold again.

The creeps........
>> Anonymous
I have a fear of dark shadows in the night. >< I know nothing will be there, but something about them just gives me this totally irrational paranoid feeling
>> Anonymous
Runaway Mountain?
>> Anonymous
Ditto, I'm not afraid of any of my fears so long as I'm not by myself.

I'm not afraid of the dark but when I walk around my home at night I'm scared by the thought of entering a room and seeing a person standing in it. Not moving, just standing still.

I'm also afraid of looking out windows when it's dark outside and the lights are on inside. When I turn off the light in a room I always make sure not to look at the window.

I'm worried over being watched without my noticing. I'm scared of noticing I'm being watched.

I can't stand looking trough keyholes (in b4 red eye pasta) or peepholes or any small dark openings.
>> Anonymous
Maybe, I forgot what its called.
>> Anonymous
I have a fear of spiders though I have yet to be scared of a spider movie or story.
>> Anonymous
Nope. Made it up. Been wanting to give it a try. I surfed for many years. I don't know of anyone who loves the ocean who hasn't imagined their last moments alive being something like that.
>> anonymous
     File :-(, x)
i am scared of ocean like this, where its black or dark blue and you cant see the bottom, if i was on the bottom then id be fine i enjoy water , and deep shipwrecks even, but this is just scary, also
the basking shark scares me too haha, so a 2 in 1 pic lol
>> Anonymous
Wax museums, it feels like the dolls are watching me and then I start thinking one moved and get even more frightened, especially since I'm basically surrounded by them. Not a rational fear and it doesn't affect me so much when I'm at a museum around say the mummies, just wax museums.

I'm also afraid of disembodied voices or noises because of the house I live in. I always feel that when I'm on the second floor of my house, no matter what time of day, there is this girl watching me. I've heard the floor creak and steps move around the hallway and felt a hand on my back once when I was coming down the stairs and none of the feelings I get when I'm up there a comforting. Like whoever that girl is, she just hates me and is waiting for me to slip up somehow. She'll wait outside my bedroom door sometimes and then follow me but never into anyone's bedroom or down to the first floor, just the hallway and bathroom.

Of course no one else in my house has a problem or eerie feeling. I just try to make sure I'm not alone upstairs cause I don't feel like she's following me as much, even when its just my cats up there.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
BODY PARASITES. It comes from having head lice 3 times as a child.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Nightmare Otaku !!GTROp2Z31oC

'Nuff said.
>> Anonymous
I have two main, huge fears.

These are more like characteristics, but extremely long, elongated body parts, except for the neck, the ability to balance with said elongated limbs, but not be able to hold the weight of them, and super-fast speed. Not like deep lunging strides, but small, quickly made steps. If I ever saw anything like this, I swear to GOD I would fucking shoot myself.

The second is your entire body in paralysis, and having normal surgeries being performed on you (not torture, but actual medical procedures).

I also have the fear of my own alarm sound (Alert, you can find it on any Motorola phone, but the KRZR version is worst) and a female answering machine-type voice counting backwards from 10.
>> Anonymous
I'm deadly afraid of two things : My old Cellphone, as it was somehow able to perceive future calls, sometimes I'd receive a message at 13:15 of one dat, saying I received a call at 13:16, or 13:17 at the same day... But that wasn't the creepy part... The creepy part was that at the SAME time that the message said, I'd get a call from that number... And one day, the message came at 14:27, about a call from a friend of mine, made at 14:35. EIGHT minutes after the message... AND IT WAS RIGHT! ALso, according to the damned thing's memory, it announced a call more than one hour before it actually comming...
The other thing is the really weird one... I'm Terrified of my own voice... But not the sound of my voice... the feeling that it isn't me that's talking...
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
I have a fear or deep revulsion for dense infestation of the skin.

I had a dream once where I looked down at my forearm, and it was a colony of some sort of bug; there were hundreds of little burrow entrances and every so often one of the little bugs would scurry from one hole to another.

Still gives me the heebies.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
I'm afraid of a couple of things, I'll start with my fear of needles. All my life I've been afraid of the things, small rods of metal inserting into my flesh and... *Shiver* Also, I hate the thought of looking at one of my windows and seeing a face or something outside in the darkness. All of the windows in my room (and to be honest, most of the house too) have thick curtains covering them and are always closed. Lastly, I can't STAND the idea of something cold, bony, and wet grabbing onto my face so I can't move. I had a dream like that once, a little girl with a huge black gaping mouth grabbed the sides of my head and bit my face (although she had no teeth). I couldn't move, scared the Hell outta me. I just screamed until I woke up.

Pic loosely related, it's gotta creep out someone.
>> Anonymous
Fucking Borrowers...
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
this particular type of picture makes my stomach sink every time I look at one. The people with the blackened out eyes, and, usually blackened out mouths, open wide. I've seen a few grainy, blurry images that look old fashioned with people with these distorted faces. Does me head in.
>> Anonymous

I don't know why, but that picture always makes me think of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
>> Anonymous
You a teacher by any chance?
>> Anonymous
same, requesting moar
>> Anonymous
What's this from? I see it posted here all the time.
>> Anonymous
I am in fact requesting that they be labeled by some term so they can be googled moar easily. But who am I to complain if someone does the work for me?
>> Anonymous
for me my worst fear would be getting buried alive...>_>
>> Anonymous

The movie Dead Birds. Mediocre as movies go, but the brief moments where you see those images are pure bri/x/.
>> Anonymous
I'm not particularly scared of the usual things, when I get the feeling that supernatural things are watching me, I usually try to talk to them. None of them have responded, (Seriously, I'd post some of my experiences with such things, but they're not very climatic, they all end in me figuring out that whatever I'm seeing is something silly or me saying "Hey, what's up?" and the nasty feelings going away)I figure if they're powerful enough to fuck with reality and my life, there'd be more unexplained deaths.

However, I've got a dreadful fear of things that are... unnatural. I'm not sure how to explain it, but like, things that are just... not right. For example, there's a pic I've seen on here and on /b/ a few times of like... this humanoid-ish thing with an abnormally large head that's all wrapped up in bandages in an empty white room (I think there might be an old hospital bed in it, not sure) Seriously though, just typing about it gives me chills. Also like Abandoned Clown Train, that sort of shit.

It's happened to me a few times that I see like this when I wake up in the middle of the night (Like, I open my eyes, but the section of my brain that recognizes objects isn't booted up yet).

Not really related to a fear, but I also have a bit of a fascination with unmapped things, like the Paris Catacombs. Stuff that people have built over hundreds of years and have since forgotten or neglected. I like to think that if I lived in a city that had such things, I'd be man enough to explore them, but I live in suburban phoenix, so yeah... I'm SOL in that aspect, but any creepypasta related to such things would be awesome.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
I saw that movie. It was pretty boring. I actually swallowed brix.
>> Anonymous

Fucking mummies, man. There's just no reason for them to freak me out, but god, the last time I was near one I couldn't get within about ten feet of the thing, even with it under glass and neatly labeled in a well-lit room with people milling about. Something about a dead thing with a hidden face.