File :-(, x, )
SCP inspiring pictures rattmice
Anyone have any pictures that would inspire some good ol fashioned SCP stories?
The first one was the most inspiring because of the picture- I contribute with this Sai mount that I bought.
Meh and shitty picture, trust me i know.
>> Anonymous
Bump because most SCP's don't have pictures. Also most of them suck.
>> rattmice
Which ones do have pictures? I can't believe how many there are now...
>> Anonymous
Most SCP pictures aren't really anything special. I kinda like the one for the Mind Inverter, though.
>> Nightmare Otaku !!GTROp2Z31oC
Or the living statue thing in the red crate? The one made with Krylon paint? The one you can't not look at or you'll die?
>> rattmice
I think it's you HAVE to look at it or it will kill you.
>> Anonymous
Oh my god, I LOVE xbox!

I saw an episode of Dr. Who on a plane recently and it had murderous statues that could only move when you weren't looking at them, a lot like the original SCP story.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Lot like Mario, too.
>> Anonymous
keep trying!
>> Anonymous
Mask looks like it's going "OH YEEEAAAH" through the bottom of the box
>> rattmice
does anyone think that this mask / sai holder is worth a SCP?

I have the Sai set into it now if anyone's interested.
>> Anonymous
Anyone else notice that SCP-173 sounds like the Weeping Angels?
>> rattmice
>> Anonymous
Ahh, ok, just making sure.