File :-(, x, )
¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab
For your attention:

Welcome, Keeper, to Annex 0. To ensure your continued well-being and the safety of all residents of the multiverse, you will be required to commit these details to memory. The UiC is unable to assist you in this task as Annex 0 maintains a closed system with it’s own Local interface-Consciousness, but your memory system will be altered to ensure the swift transition of data into your mind.
>> ¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab
Form and Function of Annex 0:
Annex 0 existed as a self-contained pocket-universe, a microcosm of universe (¤) that cannot normally be edited (Contact your UiC for more information on editing). While inside Annex 0 you will be unable to manifest any power or ability granted by the UiC, and will be fully mortal. A safeguard system will remain active, so that in the case of your death the legacy of the Keepers will not be lost, and the One True Secret will be passed on to a suitable recipient. This is the only place where you can be truly harmed, and so extreme caution must be exercised.

Annex 0 serves as a prison for the most reviled individuals in the multiverse, and was founded by Keeper Morducai at {Time Unknown}. Each prisoner held in the facility is serving a sentence of unlimited duration for a crime that one of your predecessors deemed unspeakable. Full details of each prisoner can be found within the record section of this part of the facility.

Annex 0 is divided into 2 sections: The Acquisition and The Holding.

From The Acquisition you may gain access to detailed files on each and every prisoner kept within the facility; their name, description, place of origin, duration of imprisonment (presented in your species standard time measurement), crimes and other notable details. Once a record has been memorised you may petition facility staff to bring the prisoner from The Holding. The Holding is a spherical region of space approximately 0.72 light years in diameter. Prisoners are kept at a minimum distance of 1,000 miles from each other in their cells. A teleportation system ensures that prisoners never have any contact with each other, and can be retrieved to The Acquisition from any point within The Holding.
>> ¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab
Safety Protocol:
You will be required to review the Annex 0 Safety Protocol handbook (located to your right) in order to gain access to any prisoner. The safety protocol is not a half-measure or a meaningless indulgence. Five keepers have fallen victim to their own arrogance and foolishness thus far, 4 being killed most horribly, and one now being kept within the Holding for their own protection. Ignoring safety warnings will not only jeopardise your safety, but the very lifelines holding existence together. Live up to your responsibilities as Keeper.

For your own safety please follow all instructions given by the LiC. You may proceed in any manner you wish once able to access The Holding, but you do so at your own risk. The majority of prisoners are aware of the length of their sentences, and will actively seek either escape or death. Afford them these luxuries at your own peril.
Document Compiled by Keeper Ash’er’ocx, founder of the Annex project.

“Nothing is more sacred than the Secret of which we are made, but justice must be done, and the most despicable evils remembered. Only then will the Keepers become more than keepers.”
>> ¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab
Several people have begun to express displeasure at the state of the SCP project, and so I've created an alternative (though not a replacement. SCP is still a wonderful thing).

Think of Annex 0 as SCP or the Holder Series, but with criminals. You have an entire multiverse to draw on, so feel free to start populating The Holding with the most bizarre, despicable and downright evil beings known to Keeper-kind.
>> ¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab
     File :-(, x)
Prisoner record 8502 Alpha.

Identity: Daniel (Father of Lycanthropy)
Place of origin: ??????

Appearance: Human male, 5'9", unkempt brown hair at shoulder length, brown eyes (heavily bloodshot), medium build.

Notable features:
¤ A set of teeth sharpened to points, much like fangs. Several teeth are chipped or broken, likely due to diet prior to apprehension.
¤ Daniel has engaged in self-mutilation and bloodletting since imprisonment, and as such is heavily scarred. He keep a wound on his right arm open at all times, for reasons unknown.

Personality: Hostile towards visitors, and now largely incomprehensible in speech. Lacking in any moral compunction. Daniel's mental state began eroding some 150 years after initial imprisonment.

Duration of imprisonment: 5130 years.

Crime: Introduction of a potentially cataclysmic element into an ecosystem. Imprisoned at the discretion of Keeper Jacob, a native of the planet in question, Earth.
>> ¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab

Daniel was the leader of a cult based in a region of modern-day Jordan that operated in a Pentapolis comprised of the cities Adama, Gomorrha, Segor, Sodom and Zeboim. The cult was observed for some time and deemed to be relatively harmless, engaging in bloodletting, animal sacrifice and idol worship. After 3 years of observation, a group of Simulacra on a routine patrol were attacked and butchered by members of the cult. The Simulacra were of an experimental design, able to take on both a human form and that of a chosen animal. Daniel and his cult consumed the flesh of the Simulacra, and in doing so were changed. They began to use their blood as a crude weapon, infecting cult members and innocents alike in order to change them into lycanthropes. Steps were taken to eliminate the cult, and the infected were driven out of three of the cities. In an act of defiance Daniel began to pollute the nearby Jordan River with dead Lycanthropes, and in order to prevent further contamination the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha were destroyed.

To this day Daniel’s legacy remains a threat to the human population of earth, and lycanthropes of all orders are captured, contained or executed to prevent the spread of the infection. The line of Simulacra who sparked off these events has been discontinued.
>> Rex
bumping this, might be promising if we see more
>> Anonymous
This would be a good evolution/next step to the SCP series. Creepy prisoners, instead of "objects"
>> Anonymous
Prisoner record 6966 Lambda.

Identity: Andre (Father of Gay)
Place of origin: San Francisco

Appearance: Human male, 5'9", perfectly arranged, waxed, and gelled hair, brown eyes with heavy mascara, slight feminine build.

Notable features:
¤ Looks pretty fucking gay.

¤ Andre has engaged in many sexual activities since imprisonment, and as such is very "loose" and has acquired several STDs. He keeps the opening of his boxers in the back, so that there is a access to his asshole at all times, for obvious reasons.

Personality: Gay. Therefore, lacking in any moral compunction. Andre's mental state began eroding long before imprisonment.

Duration of imprisonment: 5130 years.

Crime: Introduction of a potentially cataclysmic element into an ecosystem. Imprisoned at the discretion of Keeper Jacob, a native of the planet in question, Earth.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Prison Record 99863


Identity: Jenifer (Child of Lust)
PoO (Place of Origin): Earth, exact location unknown

Appearance: Humanoid female with petite build; about 5'4; extremely unkept dirty blond hair; solid black eyes, including what should be white

Notable features:

- Her face, more so her mouth, is deformed. Her mouth is twisted and the left side is actually missing most of its upper lip, exposing her malformed teeth.
- Her nails are extremely long and sharp.
- She cannot speak, but makes pathetic whimpering noises when she wants something.

Personality: 99863 displays the personality of a very young child. She is extremely clingy and needy. She has a hard time understanding complex orders and often cowers and whimpers when yelled at. Also to be noted, when in the company of a male for long periods of time, her needy personality adjusts to include the almost constant need for sex.

Containment note: Male personnel are NOT to enter 99863’s cell at any time. 99863 is to remain in solitary confinement and is to be sedated should the need arise to enter her cell or remove her from it.

Duration of imprisonment: Forever.
>> Anonymous

Crime: When first found by some one, Jenifer is always in threat of being killed. Upon being rescued, always by a male and always by means of killing the one threatening her life, the rescuer is compelled to take her home with him. “Its only for a couple days” is what the family is told. But those couple days turn into a couple weeks and things steadily go down hill for the male who rescued her. Despite her deformed features, Jenifer is easily able to seduce the male into having sex with her. The male seems unable to resist and often goes into a slightly catatonic. She is usually able to accomplish this with in the first couple of days. She seems to have no sense of pain and actually seems to welcome roughness. This leads to problems with in the male’s family, as when he attempts to be with his wife, only to end up hurting her. Other problems include: general tension between male and his wife due to Jenifer’s constant presence and the male being stressed due to having to hide secrets about Jenifer from his family (first and foremost, her eating the family pet).
>> Anonymous

With in a few days after, the male- now slightly obsessed with Jenifer (even when he attempts to send her away) will lose his job and shortly after his family will leave him. Jenifer becomes his only solace, despite him blaming her for his plight. In attempts to find a new job to get his family back, the male will return home to find that Jenifer has killed some one, most of the time it’s an elderly neighbor or the neighbor’s child.

Horrified, the male will take Jenifer away. At first its in hopes of finding some where to dump her, but eventually he will come to the conclusion that his family is gone for good and will remain with Jenifer. He will attempt to start a new life while keeping her hidden away and keeping his growing hysteria in check. This will work for a short while, but generally ends in tragedy, Jenifer is almost always found by some one the male connects to, resulting in this person’s death and consumption. Now utterly distraught and hysteric, the male will bind Jenifer’s hands and drag her out to some place where he believes he will not be found and attempt to kill her.

Male will then be killed himself, and the process continues.

It is still unknown how many have fallen victim to Jenifer, but the number is assumed to be very high.
>> Anonymous

Was good until you basically wrote a synopsis of the Jenifer story
>> Anonymous
That was my point, I just kinda figured she would work for it, y'know? (shrug)
>> Anonymous
Sounds like Magibon lolololol
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Prisoner record 8497 Alpha.

Identity: A. K. Hastner
Place of origin:

Appearance: Human male, 6',1'', long black hair usually worn as a ponytail, grey eyes, ectomorph build.

Notable features:
¤ Stigmata on both hands and feet, tend to bleed around the time of Good Friday.

Personality: Calm, but snide and cynic. Whilst Hastner is capable of conversation on a high level and about a diversity of topics, and some of the staff report to have had "pleasant" talk with him, he is also prone to psychotic rants and tirades of profanity towards anyone. He seems to decide arbritarily between those two sets of behaviour when meeting a new person and usually sticks to his decision.

Duration of imprisonment: Lifelong.

Crime: Attempted creation of a supernatural being which he referred to as "The New God" with the most gruesome methods, including the killing of 7 million humans in concentration camps, vivisections on thousands of newborns, and further atrocities. (see addendum)
>> Anonymous

A. K. Hastner was a world-renowned scientists working in the field of brain surgery at the time of his "epiphany". He claims that the angel Metatron told him that God had died and a new one had to be born, and that it was Hastners mission to create him. Hastner established both a cult and a fanatic, clandestine paramilitary organisation to aid him in taking over Switzerland (renamed "Eden" by him) and in running the concentration camps which he called "Cradles". After ten years of his tyranny, his experiments proved to be fruitless. Consumed by frustration and madness, Hastner ordered his military in the whole of Eden (by then grown to incorporate France, Germany, Belgium and Denmark) to "cleanse" the world of non-believers, for he was convinced that his experiment had failed due to the fact that not every living person on earth was a devoted Christian. The ensuing bloodbath drew the attention of Annex 0 forces to Earth, where Hastner was subdued.

Addendum One - Clearance: ("ALL")
It seems that Hastner tried to use "hints" he saw in the Bible to create his God, e.g. trying to form a foetus in the womb of a vigin by the means of nanotechnology or creating amino acids in open fire. He also tried to impregnate a virgin using a conglomerate of stem cells and radioactive materials. He also experimented with electricity in utero.

Addendum Two: Clearance ("5")
It seems like Hastner wasn't as unsuccessful as we want him to believe he was. The withheld object B-8497 seems to (randomly?) display certain grades of self-awareness and "abilites" one would attribute to a godlike entity.
>> Anonymous
fuck the stories.
>> Anonymous
Bumping for Epic Potential.
>> Anonymous
MOAR! And someone write a SCP for 'object B-8497'
Has awesome potential
Prison record 7124 Alpha


Identity: Ortinbras - the Ventriloquist
PoO (Place of Origin): Unknown

Appearance: Pale, almost gray skin, wiry hair of a strong, pungent odor, bony, skinless fingers and toes sharpened to be like claws, a pair of eyes that dabble between a listless dullness and a vibrant yellow glow, and of course innumerable incidents of his confusing, exposed anatomy, such as visible bones of ill purpose.

Notable features:

-Ortinbras has an extremely raspy voice due to centuries of mal-treatment towards his own health, and has last most vocal capacity to speak anything but basic languages such as those characteristic of planet Earth.
-Ortinbras is known to contort his body to interesting and confusing movements.
-Ortinbras has senses and aspects to his being that defy three dimensions that are further explained in his documentation.

Personality: 'Ortinbras' is known for his inherent welcoming towards visitors, but as a recent precaution he is allowed little to none. His behavior is very proper and gentlemanly, an obvious analysis of human nature put to work, but his haunting speeches and his chilling touch are especially of note, making one feel comfortable during their influence, but in looking back they feel strongly deceived. 'Ortinbras' is known suspected to be a compulsive deceiver - but nobody knows just how false most of his words are.
ATTENTION PERSONNEL: 'Ortinbras' is not allowed visitors any longer, and only special care-taking methods. All people who had entered 'Ortinbras' cell began showing profoundly unusual behavior, specifically the absence of moral and physical restraint. Of the one-thousand four-hundred twenty-eight people that have entered his cell, a good eighty percent have performed actions uncharacteristic of their own intentions, supposedly being used as 'puppets' by 'Ortinbras' via both his convincing skills and some unseen power held over them. Several personnel who had contact with 'Ortinbras' were found in positions of anatomical disrepair and contortion - most notably victim 117 was found with his limb bones and joints totally mangled by an unseen force, the skin broken only by the irregular movements of his vertebrae. His spine was also contorted and twisted, his genitals were 'rearranged,' and his facial features were so sundered that it was, for a long time, impossible to identify him even by dental records,

Duration of imprisonment: Until an execution method can be decided.
NOTE: It is impossible to execute 'Ortinbras' as it is suspected all present at his execution in attempt to carry it out or witness it will be subject to his will and placed under his control, meeting a similar fate to victim 117 - contorted into a third of their size and killed in a method of incomparable pain infliction.
Crime: The display and use of a vast array of manipulative skill make subject 7124 far too dangerous to be allowed freedom any longer. His most recent crime was his presence on Earth, deemed prohibited due to the nature of its inhabitants. He was observed manipulating and controlling various political figures towards his own agenda over the years preceding his capture, but his motives in doing so are unknown. Still, references to his strange works and perhaps his goal are being researched and many historical documents unusual, perhaps related figures have been located and noted. As chance would have it, 'Ortinbras' has a sizable following in what he verses as his "personal cult," known as dianetics and scientology.
>> ¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab
Looking good so far. Bear a couple of things in mind. Duration refers to how long someone has been imprisoned, as everyone has the same sentence, forever.

Prisoner record 46 (Collective).

Identity: Kraj (Collective term Kraji)
Place of origin: The Endless Plains of Stril

Appearance: Various. Original appearance is that of a pale humanoid, approximately 5' tall. Individuals walk with a stoop.

Notable features: None

Personality: None to speak of.

Duration of imprisonment: Unknown.

Crime: None. Kraj are the thrall army of prisoner 8045.
>> ¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab

The Kraj were created by prisoner 8045 to facilitate an invasion of the country of Loam, a region contained within a vast valley on the Plains of Stril. The defenders of Loam were many, highly skilled and possessed of some of the most powerful magics available to the denizens of Stril. Ancient Stril lore dictates that the Loaminites were granted their powers by one of the thirteeen gods of that universe.

Prisoner 8045 managed to harness a power thought to be granted by the god Xxellifiz, that of the creation of a substance able to mimic anything it came into contact with, besides itself. Combining this ability with a form of necromancy, Prisoner 8045 began to experiment with the substance, and gave it life.

Prisoner 8045 marched on the Loam stronghold at co-ordinates 81, 507, 56 on the thirteenth day of the Season of Boons, and raised it to the ground. Following this sucess and the sucess of his project, the army of Kraj moved onward, and were only thwarted by Keeper {hwsf}, in Loam territory "on vacation".

In order to contain the Kraj, Keeper {hwsf} engaged an emergency transportation, returning herself and over 40,000 Kraj to the primary univserse.


¤ The Kraj are contained within a special cell which utilises a Null Field Projection. As such the Kraj are harmless and cannot utilise their ability to copy other matter.
¤ Prisoner 8045 refuses to discuss the Kraj, all details of their origin are at best guesswork.
>> ¤ !!yAT8YZx+8ab

Whoops forgot my i's.
>> Anonymous