File :-(, x, )
Item #: SCP-233
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-233 is to be contained in a magnetic-levitation containment facility at all times. Unless specific clearance has been obtained, SCP-233 is to be kept isolated. When clearance is obtained, research personnel are to wear full-body protective gear, including lead-lined gloves. Failure to do so will not be met with termination, however, it may be indicative of hitherto unobserved psychological imbalances in personnel. After they have been removed from the facility, personnel who have committed an infraction are to be scheduled for a full psychological analysis.
SCP-133 was discovered in 19??, in a destroyed residential building in ??????? ????. Agents ?????????????? and ??? ????? were dispatched to the field, and reported the anomalous state of the building. When agent ????? attempted to examine SCP-133 in more detail, he received extensive damage to his hand and forearms.
SCP-133 is a perfectly spherical, metallic object. It has a radius of 5 cm, and a circumference of 31.4 cm. It is notable for the extensive damage it causes. SCP-133 has maimed several members of staff, as well as destroyed several vehicles used in its initial transit to Site 19. SCP-133 is exceptionally sharp, tests confirming that it is capable, with time, of cutting through virtually every substance available to us - diamond being a notable exception.

Tests have as yet not confirmed how SCP-133 is capable of retaining both perfectly spherical and razor sharp qualities.
Not bad at all, it fits nicely into the SCP collection.
>> Anonymous
Very nice, but I would suggest changing one of the "extensive damage" parts because they're in very close proximity to each other and it sounds awkward.
>> Anonymous
in the description you changed it from 233 to 133, might want to fix that
>> Anonymous
Very nice, how much?
>> 18noma !ADAMiEkOnE
SCP eh?
>> 18noma !ADAMiEkOnE
also, how do i got rest of SCP pastas? must read
>> Anonymous
Meh, with all the terminations that happen in these SCP-descriptions, you'd think more people would know about this already, due to the fact that they must be hiring all the time.
>> Anonymous

Also, a fill in the gaps challenge could be funny.
>> Anonymous
this was very cool to read, but im not sure what it is
>> Anonymous
Its a sphere that slices through things even though it's round
>> Anonymous
Borrowing ideas from the Warehouse 23 basement is probably the cure that the SCP series needs.
>> Anonymous
Or just use carbon nanotubes, or another synthetic that is harder than diamond.
>> Anonymous
Will it blend? That's the question
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Only one way to find out.
>> Anonymous
For anyone who doesn't know what's going on, there's a good couple of hours reading here.

The moar you know...
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)

over 9000 hours in mspoop
>> Anonymous
Which is actually pretty retarded.

In all, this is pretty awful SCP. I mean, there's nothing even vaugely creepy, sinister or threatening about it. It's about as scary as a very sharp kitchen knife.
>> Anonymous
the blanks
santa fe
joe blow
>> Savant
What happens if you bring all of the SCPs, Holder Items, and Crystal skulls together?
>> Anonymous
You have to divide by zero and count to infinity for it to work.
>> Savant
What if we divide by 0 to the infinite power?
>> Gentleman
You summon Cockmongler, who proceedes to mongle
youre cock
>> Savant

I think you mean "your" and I don't have a cock to mongle.
>> Anonymous
Enjoy your summon?
>> Savant
I'll make him post on 4chan.