File :-(, x, )
Security Clearance Document Anonymous
Item #: SCP-173

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them. At all times, two persons must maintain direct eye contact with SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container.

Description: Moved to Site19 1993. Origin is as of yet unknown. It is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint. SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile. The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP-173. Personnel assigned to enter container are instructed to alert one another before blinking. Object is reported to attack by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation. In the event of an attack, personnel are to observe Class 4 hazardous object containment procedures.

Personnel report sounds of scraping stone originating from within the container when no one is present inside. This is considered normal, and any change in this behaviour should be reported to the acting HMCL supervisor on duty.

The reddish brown substance on the floor is a combination of feces and blood. Origin of these materials is unknown. The enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis.
>> Anonymous
Check OP pic
>> Anonymous
Papier mache?
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
reminds me of someone else...
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Item#: SCP-323

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-323 must be kept within a room made of concrete no less than five feet thick on all sides. It should be kept on a plastic stand secured to the floor. Entrances should be made of concrete and carbon fiber, appropriately reinforced. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any base or ferrous metals, alloys or metallic instruments come within 100 feet of SCP-323.

Specifications are attached for the construction of the echotransmission tunnels requisite for keeping SCP-323 pacified (without the metallic components of speaker equipment). The effectiveness of echotransmission tunnels should be tested at no less than 60db in the containment room prior to the insertion of SCP-323. This should be retested biweekly to prevent sound dampening by general wear and the object's effects on the room. Testing, maintenance and shaving is to be done by Class D personnel in teams of three, preferably of First Nations descent.

The chants necessary to keep SCP-323 dormant are attached in document OpNCan-SCP-323-Ad2. They are to be repeated by a descendant of the Yukon Cacrish First Nations band, in their entirety, with no more than ten minutes of silence before repetition. Mr. ??????, Mr. ?????????? and Mr. ????? are to be rotated in eight hour shifts. Should one be incapacitated, the remaining should be placed in 12 hour shifts for a maximum of one week before training a replacement(s).

Due to the considerable distance of the broadcasting room from SCP-323, Class 0 personnel may be used in the calibration of amplification equipment, administration of intravenous amphetamines and the maintenance of related equipment in the broadcasting room. Class 1 or above preferred.
>> Anonymous

Description: An animal skull of prodigal size, well-bleached and missing a lower jaw. SCP-323 measures 2.43ft lengthwise and .81ft wide. It appears to be at least partially canine in origin. In the presence of the SCP-323, a fine hairs erupt from surfaces and objects in the facility. Additionally, staff assigned to SCP-323 report increased hair growth on the face, chest, back and genitals. As the hair growth in the containment room may dampen the volume necessary to keep the SCP-323 docile, the room must be shaved daily (See OpNCan-SCP-323-Ad4 for equipment specifications).

Since pacification measures have been implemented, it is unclear as to whether SCP-323 is still capable of locomotion, or merely disinterested. It does appear sentient and aware of its surroundings and despite pacification the object exerts a considerable coercive influence on those it can "see" (SCP-323 has binocular vision and will respond to objects within 100 feet). Personnel under the influence of SCP-323 experience overwhelming urges to howl and to forcibly remove their lower jaw. Since incident NCan-I26, all personnel entering the room have been outfitted with a jaw-locking mechanism (see document OpNCan-SCP-323-Ad3) to prevent this and since the mechanism's implementation SCP-323 has not attempted to elicit these particular behaviors from staff.
>> Anonymous

SCP-323 "sheds" teeth on a regular basis, assumedly during silences between chants while unobserved. All teeth shed by SCP-323 should be removed from the containment room promptly at the beginning of the next round of chant. Teeth should be sealed in epoxy before removal and sent to Laboratory NCan-05 for further study.

SCP-323 is capable of manipulating metallic objects, especially iron. Metal items that catch SCP-323's attention are invariably launched into the chest of the nearest handler with impressive force. SCP-323 does not attack with the intent to kill, instead deliberately avoiding piercing or any vital organs, excepting the heart.

Those wounded by SCP-323 are overcome with the urge to push shed teeth into the wound. Upon doing this, the affected's body undergoes rapid mutation, always involving a violent rupture of the cranium and typically including explosive hair growth, the bursting of the spine out from the tail bone, tooth growth, the bursting of the finger bone from the fingertips, ultimately the rupture of the skin and death from loss of blood. During this process the affected becomes violent and will attempt to place SCP-323 upon their exposed brain stem and escape. Affected personnel must not be allowed to do this, and in the event of injury the room is to be flooded with cyanide gas immediately.

Regardless of incident, all Class D personnel in contact with teeth must ingest 75mg of silver oxide immediately upon leaving the containment room.

Wendigo Skull is my fave :)
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Kevin Sorbo does not approve of this post. He will kick your ass.
>> Anonymous
No offense, but i could write scarier shit with a crayola.
>> Anonymous
Item # SCP-579

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-579 is currently held in site 62-C, a compound located approximately 80 km from the main site. Site consists of building housing SCP-579 and living quarters for containment staff. SCP-579 is encased in a 60 m x 60 m x 60 m block of [DATA EXPUNGED] which is suspended in vacuum through use of electromagnets. Site 62-C is equipped with hardline to High Command through which all reports and notifications are to be made. Staff consists of two teams (each comprised of 17 Level 1 Personnel, three level 2 Personnel and one Level 4 Personnel) which are rotated bi-weekly.

All instruments and their backups are to be checked each half-hour to ensure their continued function. Changes in any measured attribute are to be immediately reported to High Command. Any deviation in any measured attribute greater than 0.02% of the accepted norm value will result in automatic execution of Action 326. Routine reports to High Command are to be made hourly. If a report is not received within 6 minutes of its scheduled time, Action 326 is to be executed.
>> Anonymous
#1) tl;dr
2) Technical lingo is not scary- just boring
>> Anonymous
Not if its supposed to be classified procedural documents
>> Anonymous
BORING doccuments
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)

>> Anonymous
i love this, keep it up
>> Anonymous
Item #: CCP-274

Object class: Cacili

Special Containment Protocol: Item CCP-274 is to be placed in a container no larger than .5 meters length .3 meters width. It should not come into contact with Item SCP-275 at any time. Item is to be placed in public government storage, as to previous incidents people who are drawn to the items have been able to bypass all security measures and get as far as level S1 before being subdued. A name should never be whispered to the item. Item should always be kept under gravitational force equaling twelve. To prevent extinction, world attention must always be kept away
from CCP-274 and CCP-275, and people who are drawn to the item must be killed. If after they are killed, they re-animate, the entire level must be flooded with Neurotoxin to prevent any transmition and or escape.
>> Anonymous
Bad? Public storage? Neurotoxin with a capital N as if that were an actual substance?
>> Anonymous
theses items are numbers /x/ - 533
they must never be brought together