File :-(, x, )
Item# SCP-666

Special Containment Procedures:

Found in a lake near ?????-????? in a cave resembling a sorrowful face. Coming into contact with the object has produced numerable and unpredictable results varying from subject to subject. Those with Level 4 Security Clearance should see document #666-a. Emitting a radiation like none ever encountered before, it is rather difficult to contain let alone transport. After much trial and error it has been found that a silver-platinum alloy can for unknown reasons come into contact with the object and suffer no adverse effects; every other material be it wood crystal or metal is either vaporized or absorbed into the object creating entirely unknown processes. Transportation to area 4 near Everest was completed 10 days after discovery by Field General ???? ?????? in 19??. Ideal conditions for containment are sub-zero temperature within an air pressure 5 times that of the local. A new chamber must be prepared for SCP-666 every 8 months in a virgin portion of area 4 as the radiation emitted will transform any material used for the chamber into an unusable and very lethal goo that has yet to be classified.


SCP-666; codenamed the Satan Skull by those who first encountered it on record is about the same size as a human skull. Made of perfect crystal, believed to be quartz, the skull has existed for no less than 25,000 years and is of a production value that is yet impossible to reproduce with any form of tool.
>> Anonymous
No less than 12 level 3 personnel are to be within 50m of the object. Drawing from the emotions of those within range SCP-666 has been noted to change colors, emit frequencies of sound never before recorded by anything but man-made sound devices, and even cause apparitions to appear that are solid and capable of interacting with personnel even on a sentient level.

Of those who have come in contact with the object, the most valuable result has been an inexplicable convergence of the subjects mind and that of the skull. Vast quantities of information regarding [DATA EXPUNGED] have been revealed, and since research on SCP-1??, SCP-0??, and SCP-4?? have grown in ways never imagined before.

Addendum: Those with O4 Security Clearance should see document #666-b

Document #666-a: Recordings of contact with SCP-666

???? ??????, the first to bring the object to SCP's attention, and the first to touch the object on record has felt the following effects while under supervision;
Extreme visual and audible hallucinations relating to wars never fought in human history.
The belief that he can hear the skull speak. All statements regarding these discussions
have only lead to ways to play simple board games after extensive efforts
to translate the language spoken when inquired.
Several patches of skin affected by what seems to be a rash. No adverse affects from
the rash as of yet, though they seem to secrete massive amounts of phosphoric acid.
>> Anonymous
?? ????????????, first SCP employed subject to come into contact with SCP-666 exploded in a fashion that resembled the powerful release of a full pound of C-4 explosive.

LT. ??????, the last SCP employ to come into contact with the object has suffered very unexplainable results;

Extreme pigment change. Once Caucasian, his skin now resembles that of those indigenous to Africa.
After previous issues, physical recombination has been deemed impossible.
LT. ?????? is now stored as a sentient form of [DATA EXPUNGED] and kept in a cooling tank
35m from SCP-???.

Document #666-b: It is believed that the object is potentially of [Level 10 security access required] origin. For this reason, it is required that all personnel wear special HUD-style information visors whenever on duty. Failure to do so has proven very dangerous, as certain [DATA EXPUNGED] have shown interest in its re-acquisition. Recommended that all ranking personnel equip themselves with class S weaponry while on guard duty, though class B has been known to prove sufficient.
>> Anonymous
shameless self-bump
>> Anonymous
?????? -?????? until ???????????? your ?????? ?????? ?????? the ?????? by???????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? . A doctor later said ??????
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Hey I've been looking for that...
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
???????????????????????? the head ???????????? thinks you are ?????? a ????????????
>> Anonymous
ya rite
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
with a pickle in my butt
>> Anonymous

Full series Wiki
>> Anonymous
yeah but for some reason it wont update my work for 666. it has this strange ass reference to one thats never been registered like theres some sort of retarded freak just writing the stories without linking them
>> Anonymous
xx???xxxxxxx ???




>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
xx???xxxxxxx ???
>> Anonymous
I think 666 is supposed to be reserved for a truely worthy file.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
fucking better than half the shit considered passworthy. fuck, some dont even have proper grammar and are riddled with typos.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
this is real.
>> Anonymous
damn, how much hd space that thing got? and what's the chip speed and ram?
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
so you turn into a nigger?
>> Anonymous

yeah, that's what I got from it.