File :-(, x, )
/x/, i'm trying to add a SCP on the SCP Wiki and for some reason its not submitting.

Any other SCP authors having issues with the SCP Wiki?

In other news, what the fuck is this?
>> Anonymous
shoop'd statue. post your SCP here.
>> Anonymous
Item #: SCP-234 (Blue-SCP-234)

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-234 should be kept in a room no less then 10 metres wide, and 10 metres tall. With walls of reinforced concrete. It should have one , always functional low level light for security purposes.


SCP-234 is a stone statue of what appears to be a Blue Goddess which was found in ???????????? on the 8th of March 1986.

Containment was stated as 'complicated' as the locals claimed 'SCP-234' only preferred the company of females and was known to 'destroy' men.

When in the company of females. SCP-234 is still and at peace. All female Level 2 employees report feeling quite euphoric and happy, even exchanging in smiles to one another while being in the presence of the statue.
>> Anonymous
All CAT scans, X-rays, and usual medical tests have come back as normal for the female employees whose only physiological change has been that they have an increased level of serotonin after their 6 hour watch.

When a male Class D Personnel was placed in the room, SCP-234 did not change its appearance, but female employees watching over the statue remarked that their moods had altered and reported PMT like symptoms as far as shouting at the Class D Personnel and even threatening the Class D Personnel.

When all female watchers left the chamber the temperature was reported to dip slightly.

However, when a Class D Personnel was left alone in the room, the statue was reported to glow, hover towards the subject and deliver a 'shock' which left the subject dead instantly.
>> Anonymous
On autopsy reports, no mark was left on the body. But all internal organs had been liquefied beyond recognition.

The same experiment was carried out on groups of 3, 6, 9, and 12 Male Class D personnel all of whom were killed simultaneously in the same manner.

The only instance in which a group of male Personnel were safe is one in which there is at least 1 female chaperone in which the men only report feeling uncomfortable and paranoid.

Female watchers when asked to report what they saw when they looked upon SCP-234 whilst being recorded on a polygraph test. The answers were remarkably similar. The generic answer being: “I see Peace on Earth.”

When asked to describe how they felt when a man entered the room, the generic answer was: “He should not be there.”
>> Anonymous
Attempts to destroy the statue as of yet have been unsuccessful, leaving the statue in perfect condition.


All female 'watchers' must be at least level 2. They are not permitted to touch or remain in eye contact with SCP-234 for longer than 15 minutes. All female personnel found to be staring at the statue excessively will be removed at once and kept in quarantine.

All level D personnel must be checked for mental instability prior to entering. Under no circumstances must the personnel be armed in any way.
>> Anonymous
Document #234-1: Watching protocol

All female watchers must take 6 hour shifts and must remain no longer than that time.

All female watchers must not be menstruating at the time of watching as this has led to ecstatic visions and in some cases infertility through unexplained womb prolapse.

Similarly, pregnant watchers have not yet been introduced into the chamber for fear of birth defects or miscarriage although [DATA EXPUNGED] in late ??????? plans are made for a ??????? to be introduced into the chamber.

Should SCP-234 decide to move, all personnel are to evacuate immediately providing that the emergency containment cage (above SCP-234) has not failed to drop, in which case termination is to occur to all present.

Under no circumstances are Watchers, male or female to touch SCP-234 as in ??????? when such an account happened two female watchers had their ??????? ???????.
Should any watcher come under telepathic communication with the statue (which has not yet occurred) they are to not respond and to leave the area at once to undergo testing.

Watchers must not be armed.
>> Anonymous
And thats it.

So is SCP wiki down?
>> Anonymous
wtf anon, I don't understand this business. Can you explain in layman's terms?
>> Anonymous
someone give me a link to the wiki. I'll try loading it up for you.
>> Anonymous

It's a Femi-nazi statue. Kills men, makes women happy.

What the fuck is there to not understand?
>> Anonymous
how does a statue kill you?
>> Anonymous
The point is, nobody knows, hence why its under containment.
>> Anonymous
didn't work for me. try again later.
>> Anonymous
Will do. :)
>> Anonymous
Maybe I should have read all that stuff before I started fapping to the picture of the statue.
>> Anonymous
Maybe...Just maybe.
>> David
It's not gonna be SCP-001, but I like it. definatly worth putting up there. Use that blue picture in your original post if you can.
>> Anonymous

Will do.
I'd have to write something fucking EPIC for it to be SCP-001
>> Anonymous
I read it, but i didn't shit a bri/x/
>> Anonymous
A great addition to the SCP family, a lot better than some of the SCPs.
>> Anonymous

Anonymous, you will make me blush! Imagine!
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Reminds me kind of, of shadow man.
>> Anonymous
So, does it kill through sight or what?
>> Anonymous
So, when these women do stare at it, what happens?
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
I'm writing a new one.
>> Anonymous

I hate to get all /b/ up in this piece, but I'd jack off all over that statue. I'm not kidding. Can you give me a location?
>> Anonymous

With pleasure.
>> Anonymous
Does anyone have the draw of the sculpture SCP?
>> Anonymous

It was inspired by that statue and the ancient sisters statue in Shadow Man.
>> Anonymous

I mean the draw that a random person from /x/ made in paint. It was awesome
>> Anonymous
which SCP was it?
>> Anonymous

The statue one. Where you had to stare at it whenever you entered its chamber. And feces/blood would accrue in the room mysteriously and had to be cleaned out bi-weekly.
>> Anonymous

Ohhh...this one?
>> 

thats the Origional one. the one that started it.
>> Anonymous

Yeah, i know the one you mean, someone in /b/ might have it