File :-(, x, )
Do fairies exist?
>> Anonymous
If they did, I would make millions from the GTS fetishists.
>> Anonymous
Ohh, ohh! Exploitable market!
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
They do. We have Lots in New Zealand there really naughty and fast.
>> Anonymous
Yeah, I cum on fairies regularly.
>> Anonymous
So long as they don't gang up on me and take revenge, slow, horrible revenge
>> Anonymous
There is a lot of them in San Francisco too.
>> Anonymous
Artemis Fowl believes they exist.
>> Anonymous
snaps for you.
>> Anonymous

Artemis Fowl also robbed the fuckers like the stone-cold bitch he is.
>> Anonymous
my friend saw some at a waterfall in Samoa, but he can see things like that interesting guy i has so many good stories about paranormal things. eg he can see ghosts deamons and can talk to the dead
>> Anonymous
Your friend manufactures realistic hallucinations in order to make his pathetic mundane existence more bearable.
>> Anonymous
I can never find any rule 34 on Captain Holly Short, and I just don't think that's right.
>> Anonymous
why are you on /x/ if you are going to be a cunt about things? go back to /b/.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
I saw weid little humanoid creatures once. they hissed at me AND I'M A SCIENTIST!
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
I propose that Artemis Fowl be SCP-001 and/or the commander of the SCP organization.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
do hipos exist?
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
The real question would be: Do baby pigeons exist. It's assumed they do, because where else would adult pigeons come from? But have you SEEN a baby pigeon?
>> Anonymous
Yes, I actually have. Your argument is invalid.
>> Anonymous
I don't believe you, post pics.
>> Anonymous
What the fuck do you need pics for? I live in a major city, we're inundated with pigeons every day. I see baby pigeons in messy little nests in the crevices of buildings, or dead and squished on the sidewalk, or making obnoxious high-pitched peeping sounds from places not immediately obvious every time I go downtown. The bastards aren't worth taking pictures of.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
That thing is adorable and I want one.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Faeries do in fact exist. Tolkien was allowed entrance into their world. He shared his experiences with C.S. Lewis who wrote Narnia based off of their discussions. The Narnia books are in reality grimoires which give complete instructions on how to find and enter into those same entrances.
>> Anonymous
I'm an armoire collecting hobbyist with a side-business of closets. This is misinfo. The only thing close to paranormal found in closets is Alucard, and he's kind of tough to mistake for a magical fairy realm.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
Faeries do in fact exist. Tolkien was allowed entrance into their world after smoking some hash. He shared his hash with C.S. Lewis who wrote Narnia based off of their drug sessions. The Narnia books are in reality grimoires which give complete instructions on how to find and enter into those same entrances by smoking hash.
>> Anonymous
well..can they talk or something? :o
>> Anonymous
So untrue.
So true.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Now I would like to see you hang out in a musty old cupboard looking for faeries and goblins and shit.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>Do fairies exist?
Yes. Yes they do.
>> Anonymous

Fuck the damn things, always locking you in trees at random.
>> Anonymous
Course they do
btw I`m one oh them :3
>> Anonymous
No you're not, you're just a poor old faggot with AIDS and a heroin addiction who lives out in the woods and rapes squirrels.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Don't you believe in fairies?
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
why yes i do beleive fairies exist! i saw a picture of them that I am sure is real
>> Anonymous
They do exist, in fiction and manga directed to baondage fairies fetichists.
>> Anonymous
We can therefore conclude that fairies do not exist, period.
And sage.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
>> Anonymous
I can see your pixels. Obvious shop.
>> Anonymous
Google "pigeon baby", and you'll find tons of pictures like this.
>> sage
All shooped. I can tell from the pixels.
>> Anonymous
Conspiracy, a mass of misinformation and shoops used to TRICK the public into believing in the existence of baby pigeons. It's just a stupid hoax.
>> Anonymous
Yes, they exist! YOU HAS PICS!
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Stay the fuck away from me.

On a completely unrelated note, what's the best way to kill a fairy? More specifically, how can I get rid of an infestation of the little fuckers?
>> Anonymous

Oh you want to kill some fairies?
You'll need a knife, some butter, pure maple syrup, and some gasoline.
Take the knife and spread the butter and maple syrup on it. Then lick the knife clean, remembering to savor the flavor of the butter and maple syrup mix.
Then take the gasoline and fill up the fuel tank of a chainsaw. Rev up the chainsaw and use it to cut down a tree. Desecrate the remains of the tree. When you're done, scream a challenge to all fairies there are. Tell them to bring it on. Then dig a hole in the ground and hide in it, making sure to camouflage it properly so no fairies can see it. When the fairies arrive, detonate the C4 you should have planted while desecrating the remains of the tree.

All fairies will be destroyed.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
I like the way your mind works.

However, judging from past attempts that doesn't seem like the best plan. For example, the last time I tried to kill all fairies I fired a beam of death from space and blew up the planet. Not only are the fairies not dead, but the planet is BACK. I saw it vanish in an orgy of flame, and it's BACK. Like nothing ever happened. What the fuck?!
>> Anonymous
o god i want him to rub my dick
>> Anonymous

Actually that was just the wrong planet. A few planets in the universe look very similar. That and the person driving that ship was high.
Unless you were driving, in which case the radiation from the power core was making you high.

Either way someone was high and you ended up in the wrong place.
>> Anonymous

Or you were high before you went off to get that spaceship and hallucinated the whole experience.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Stay away. Unless you want my pollutants to burn and sterilize you, of course.
I never considered that possibility. Given that I'm basically made of chemicals, I didn't think I COULD get high. But maybe the radiation did it? Damn.
If what you said is true, then what planet did I destroy?
>> Capt. Ajaxsensitive-7h4nkyou
     File :-(, x)
HEY! Which one of tou has that stupid fairy problem cause I think I have a solution. I looked at what happened last time with the tree and all, so i think your best way to deal with this problem is with an army of robots that have chain guns and chainsaws graphed to thier bodies. Also built in flamethrowers would be nice too. You should use a couple hundred of them and they should be fast and agile. they should also be based on some sort of frightning creature that no fairy would ever go near. I personally suggest H.R. Giger's alien design for reference. last but not least add even more brutal anti fairy weapons like more chainsaws and lasers.

do what you can to make it rain fire or acid, that should take care of the sissy tree problem. If those fucking faries try to come back with some peace loving monster then use godzilla to take care of whatever they throw at you.
>> Anonymous
The Fair People raped my ass.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Sweet spewer of smog, that's a wonderful idea. It brings tears of ammonia to my eyes. If only I'd had those robots the first time...
Just one problem: where the fuck am I going to get a couple hundred horribly beweaponed Gigeresque robots?
I can destroy, but I can't build. I can possess things that already exist, (like the leveler) but somehow I don't think there's an "anti-environmentalist robot" factory anywhere nearby.
You had a fine idea, but I need more suggestions.
>> Anonymous

Go to Japan. They make robots there. You can use those robots to build the tools you'll need to build the destructive devices to use.
>> Anonymous
Possess some industrial robot arms in a car factory or something. Most electronics are made by machines too, so just posses a few factories and jumbo jets to ship them and you've got yourself one robotic army.
>> Anonymous
i had pet pigeons, and yes, yes they do my friend.
>> Maxilos !Rr3sC4nvZI
Posess Norad.
>> Anonymous
Go to Japan. They have people you can hire, who will record girls crushing the faeries underfoot, and sell them on the internet.
>> Weeaboo-chan
This idea is awesome and you should feel awesome.
>> Anonymous
Duly noted. Official plotting will commence today.
>> Anonymous
you win an internets
>> Anonymous
But seriously guise, there was this fag back in high school named Jack. Everyone hated him for good reasons. Not only was he a gay, he was always being a fag about it. Flirted with guys and ruined their reputations for a while because of it, and told lies about his mom being crushed at the WTC party thrown 6 and a half years back by a boulder, even though she is still alive today. He claimed to be joining the military, even though he is an open, VERY open queer, and has the muscle mass of a kitten with several dystrophies. The only guy we all thought he would actually stand a chance against is this half crippled freak of humanity named Aaron, but even that was a stretch.
In English 3, Jack was in this class always talking about worthless bullshit, and/or giving insight to serious class discussions that turned out to always be worthless bullshit. He talked about how he used to talk to a ghost of an elderly lady, even though he gave no real proof of her existence at all, so It's even doubtful that she was more than an imaginary friend anyway, but he couldn't ever give evidence of her being a ghost, he just claimed she told him this.
>> Anonymous
He also had supposed dreams of God telling him to choose a path, dark or light, and he chose the darker one, but explained wholeheart-bullshittedly to the rest of the class that God forgave him and told him it's alright because he knew it was wrong and said sorry, but never tried to change. God doesn't work that way, dipshit. I wanted to say that soooo many times... except I'd substitute God with Reality. And while we were finished Huckleberry Finn, the teacher made the mildly amusing and annoying mistake on asking that pseudo-acceptable reject his take on the controversial racism in this novel. He rambled on and on, invariably shifting further and further away from the original subject, using the aforementioned meaningless mouth diarrhea as a medium of linguistic transportation. Until he finally, about 5 minutes later, reached the conclusion involving a correlation between ANY theme or plot device in that book and the non-existent and historically insulting reference to the U.S. nuking Korea during the cold war, not even during the timespan of the Korean war, I might add.
>> Anonymous
But to date, probably the most outrageously GAY and stupid thing he ever did was tell us about his "religion". And I use that term lightly, for his religion was a clusterfuck of other religions, twisted and raped-shaped into his "beliefs on life". Twas pure FAGGOTRY that propelled this vision, of this I am sure.
See, we were making up creation stories, a project after reading native American literature, and we all had to read our stories aloud. Mine was a creation story about creation stories, If I remember correctly. It was stupid, but I got points for creativity because my teacher kicked ass. But anywho, It eventually was Jacks turn... oh God what he said leaves a bad taste in my mouth even still.
He starts off by telling us that this is in fact HIS religious views on the creation of earth and how things work. That gave everyone the same feeling of dread, I'm sure. He starts spewing oral bullshittery about the earth being the daughter of the Moon, and the cosmos being one big happy family, and random unsorted pagan beliefs were thrown in for good measure. But one point I'll never forget is when he said fairies exist, and control the elements and drive the physics of this world. I was so close the laughing my ass off, but Mrs. Hall gave me the "Save it until lunch" look. She nearly cracked up also, though. From this point on, anybody dumb enough to believe him to be a sane and intelligent human now looked at him as the shit stain on the collective asshole of society that he was.
In conclusion, No, fairies and elves do not exist, and Jack made me feel all the more adamant toward this subject of fantasy.
Also, Jack was born in France. THE END.
>> Anonymous
Funny that, I know a guy just like him back where I live.
Complete faggot and fucktard liar he is.
>> Anonymous
At first I was like "tl;dr" but now I think I see your point.
Only retards believe in fairies, correct?
>> Uber Dudditz
I guess, plus I just thought I'd let everyone know of Jacks faggotry.
>> Anonymous
This is kinda hot and I would like to request more of it.
>> Anonymous
>> Capt. Ajaxsensitive-7h4nkyou
     File :-(, x)
its been 24 hours. i noticed you are still trying to bring my idea to life. japan may work cause of the robots plus godzilla. to find cheap workers go to south america. also make the robots have some sort of personality to go with the super AI built in them (4chan can help with that). have fun chemical created monster dude, if you have any more questions to bring your anti-fairyvision to life i will be happy to assist anyone/everyone later.
side note-bears that shoot lasers or killer bees with acid/chemical sting.