File :-(, x, )
Favourite SCP's, /x/?
>> Anonymous
Pic related. I read that SCP on /b/ in the dark one night. Scared the hell out of me.
I think God's a pretty cool SCP though.
>> Anonymous
i'd like to know what 173s picture really is
>> Anonymous
can I ask what OP picture is?
>> Anonymous
No, you can't.
>> Anonymous
Some Russian art thing, I believe.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
Don't look at it.

Or not look at it.

I forget which. 50/50 chance you'll be ok if you pick one, though.
>> Anonymous
The Gender Bender
>> Anonymous
None of them are good.
>> Anonymous
That's an episode of the X-Files not a SCP.
>> Anonymous
SCP stands for Sucks Chinese Penis.
>> Anonymous

Scary Creepy Pasta
>> Master Bates !!CUgTS7D8FQU
The "Mourning Minstrel" grabbed me by my phallus and
did not let go.
>> Master Bates !!CUgTS7D8FQU
Hell Yeah! That one made me shit brix.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
i thought it was dr. who
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Item #: SCP-998

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-998's containment cell is to be locked at all times. Personnel should not look into SCP-998's eyes under any circumstances. SCP-998's containment cell is observed on closed circuit video feed with a 10 second delay. Three armed guards are stationed outside of SCP-998's containment cell.

Description: SCP-998 appears to be a short Italian man with pale skin, brown hair, and a mustache. SCP-998 wears a green suit with overalls, and a green hat with an "L" insignia on it. SCP-998 is speculated to have been a plumber in his past. SCP-998 possesses super-human strength and agility, although it rarely uses this to attack personnel. SCP-998 will, however attack any animals released into its cell, especially turtles. SCP-998 prefers to kill by crushing the animals under his body weight. SCP-998 will never speak outside of excited hoots. SCP-998 will remain stationary unless it attacks something.

When personnel look into SCP-998's eyes, its gaze will instantly paralyze personnel. It then will either kill personnel via a variety of ways(mainly brain hemorrhaging), or transform them into SCP-998. It has been known to rupture souls and devour minds.

Since SCP-998 has no known form of biological reproduction as we know it, he uses his disturbing gaze to convert personnel into clones of himself.

SCP-998 was discovered into Nairobi, Kenya. There are 146 copies of SCP-998 now in existence.