File :-(, x, )
Creepypasta Manifesto

1) Write what you know. Are you a space marine? No? Then don’t try.
2) Atmosphere and tone best shock and awe every time. Intestines and guts are not that scary. That quiet scraping noise coming from the closet in the middle of the night is.
3) Suspense is your friend. If you launch right into descriptions of murder and don’t real go anywhere, we are going to find it hard to care.
4) The mundane world is the best setting. The more we relate to the world, the more immersive the story
5) No “If you go to this place on this day and spin around in circles, you will gain infinite power, but don’t wink at the Jackal or you will be eaten.” Come on. That shit is bullshit. For reals. Fuck the Holders.
6) Vampires and Werewolves are completely played out. Witches and ghosts are on the fence. Zombies are still cool. Scary than all of these is the nameless horror that cannot be comprehended.
7) Twist endings are for douchebag, egotistical directors. Unless it’s a good twist. Make sure it’s a good one.
8) If you’re gonna steal, steal from the best.
9) Stay consistent. Know your world, know your characters, know your story. Don’t just make it up as you go. We can tell.
10) Check your grammar and spelling. Twice. Nothing breaks immersion like a grammarfag on the hunt.
>> Anonymous
Is the SCP series still good or is it played out like holders?
>> Anonymous
>The entire catalogue of past and present fictional writing disagrees with this.

Yes, of professional, quality writing. This is /x/. None of us are professionals. Amateurs need to start closer to home.
>> Anonymous
SCP series is half good. It's to big for it's britches, but mundane details and a dry tone make it occasionally bri/x/y
>> Anonymous
There's a thing called research. I wrote a little story that happened in Japan, and a few Japanese were impressed by it. I am not Japanese, but I read about it.
>> Anonymous
reminds me of this:
>> Anonymous

Dunno... dis was kind of zombieish and it was cool:>>938181
>> Anonymous
Mostly because it wasn't described the way zombie stories usually are. In fact, it's not unlikely that you could come away from it without even realizing it was a zombie story.
>> Anonymous
This thread started out so good.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
If you go to this place on this day and spin around in circles, you will gain infinite power, but don’t wink at the Jackal or you will be eaten.
>> Anonymous
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)