File :-(, x, )
Not /x/ but I'm gonna post it anyway since I just spent far longer than I intended to writing it.


Day 5
Subject has shown no signs of excretion of any sort since capture, despite continuing to eat regularly. No waste byproducts, liquid or solid, have been witnessed. Digestion cycle is to be monitored more closely as of this date.

Day 16
Subject has now consumed an amount of food equal to its own mass yet still shows no signs of excretion or growth. The Conservation of Energy law seems not to apply to the subject.

Day 18
Subject still recluse, choosing to remain within the same corner of the holding cell and venturing away only when the food chute delivers meals. Interesting behaviour in that the subject will only approach food precisely one hour after its arrival. Attempts at communication are rejected, with no reciprocation at all from the subject.

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>> Anonymous
Day 100
Several exciting developments! Subject inexplicably responded to the presence of employee #13208, making an approach as he [13208] made attempts to modify an upper tier of the holding cell. Despite the safety precautions of the holding cell, subject was able to somehow pass between solid bulkheads with no evidence of passage. For a period of precisely 34 seconds all recording equipment ceased to function (a fact that did not become evident until much later), and all personnel have lost memories of that period. How the subject bypassed the safety precautions without triggering any alarms is a mystery, but clearly the electronic intereference and memory loss is related.
Employee #13208 states that although he remembers the thirty-four seconds very clearly, he also does not know how the subject came to appear behind him. Upon turning around, this being the point at which normal recording resumed, #13208 witnessed the subject standing precisely seven feet from his position, evidently observing him. Attempts to trigger his personal alarm failed, although the device was later tested as operating satisfactorily. Employee #13208 exited the holding cell without being followed, although events seem to beg the question; is the subject remaining captive by choice?
>> Anonymous
Day 109
Subject is exhibiting signs of new confidence, engaging in 'chatter' with any member of the science and tecchnical teams judged to be within range. This 'chatter', so termed because it bears the characteristics of being intended as conversation, is incomprehensible; a series of guttural emanations and various long vowel sounds. Although not encouraged, reciprocation of communication by members of the science and technical teams is always met more animated 'chatter', which it is also believed makes heavy use of body language in a conscious role, rather than the subconscious role employed by humans. Whether or not the subject actually understands English or merely responds to the reciprocation is unknown.

Day 164
Subject again displayed abilities beyond anything previously witnessed in the natural world, causing all recording equipment to cease functioning for a period of one hour and nineteen minutes and forty-six seconds, during which period personnel remember nothing. Interesting note, other personnel scattered throughout the facility, as well as recording devices, also experienced 'blackouts' concordant with the time taken for someone to walk through and exit the complex. This pattern extended up to and beyond the main gates on the surface.
When normality was restored, subject was in the holding cell, with the addition of a flower of the genus Chrysanthemum. The flower was tucked into the subject's hair.
>> Anonymous
Day 168
Subject shows increased levels of activity, predominantly a loud wailing the function of which is unknown. Second to this the subject has taken to smearing vaginal secretions around the holding cell, these secretions have been demonstrated to carry high levels of oestrogen, leading to an almost complete lack of will-power in males of any species.

Day 170
Another 'blackout' lasting eight minutes and thirteen seconds, concurrent with someone moving through the facility to the Resting Quarters and then back to the holding cell. When normality was resumed Employee #13208 was in the holding cell with no memory of his arrival. Subject was in the posture known as 'lordosis', most commonly used by female members of the animal kingdom in a state of oestrus. The subject's intent was clear, but Employee #13208 voiced his confusion and concern, the subject retreating from its posture, looking dismayed. This may be evidence that the subject understands English! (However, it may also have been responding to the tone of #13208's voice and body language)

Day 171
Rolling 'blackouts' across the whole facility, in multiple areas simultaneously, lasting anywhere between periods of 0.4 seconds and three minutes, the whole ordeal ongoing for precisely one hour. Personnel all experienced various degrees of memory loss with the exception of Employee #13208, whom witnessed nothing at his location in the Resting Quarters.
Psychoanalysts estimate this to be loosely related, in light of #13208's exclusion from activies, to yesterday's rejection.
>> Anonymous
Day 180
Normality seems to have been restored, although several significant steps back have been taken. Subject is now docile and remains confined to the lower tier of the holding cell, in the same corner it originally occupied. Attempts at communication are all rejected; Employee #13208 has been approached by myself and Employee #10048 with regard to trying a more personal attempt at communication, but is understandably hesitant.

Day 184
Employee #13208 finally came around to the idea of attempting communication with the subject. I don't quite know how to phrase this in the transcript, but both the subject and Employee #13208 are now missing from the facility. A return is anticipated, but not confidently so.

Day 300
>> Anonymous
>The Conservation of Energy law seems not to apply to the subject.
>> Anonymous
ITT: Someone who doesn't even know what the laws of physics are.
>> Anonymous

That's pretty cool having the population of Earth in a single /x/ thread, you'd think the furries would've got it.
>> Anonymous
what the shitfuck are you talking about dipshit?
>> Anonymous
good shit man..
>> Anonymous
I think 13208 is a pretty cool guy, he gets offered sex by experimental subjects and doesnt afraid of anything
>> Anonymous
This reminds of of F.E.A.R. I also want OP to write a story about 13208
>> Barack Obama

i lol'd
>> Anonymous
i like it
>> Anonymous
>>Day 300

>>Day 300

>> Anonymous
whos gonna clean that wall now?
>> Anonymous

What is this?
>> Anonymous
So what exactly happened at the end?
>> Anonymous
Well done.
>> Anonymous
It was confusing, someone please clarify?
>> Anonymous
This sounds like an entry from the SCP Foundation series.