File :-(, x, )
I'm sure many of you are already aware of this wonderful site. And I'm sure there are an equal number of you who aren't. I would like to present to you the Special Containment Protocol wiki

Have fun.
>> Anonymous
Containment Procedures: SCP-847 is kept inside a locked room reinforced with vanadium steel and concrete. In addition, SCP-847 must be kept chained up to at least four of the twelve electrically live hardpoints in the room at all times. These hardpoints are connected to relay of backup generators that will activate in case of a power failure. Should these generators fail or the chains become disconnected from the live hardpoints, Protocol SCP-847/E2 is to be enacted immediately and to remain active until SCP-847 can be properly resecured. This is to be escalated to Level E6 if the containment room is breached.

All personnel posted to SCP-847 must be armed with Containment Device 2-9, a shock baton with internal charge of 30,000 volts. No female personnel are permitted within a one hundred meter radius of SCP-847. Any female personnel found within this radius are to be incapacitated and removed from the area immediately.
>> Anonymous
Description: SCP-847 resembles a human female mannequin; researchers have been unable to determine if the missing pieces are due to injury, degradation or attack. SCP-847 is normally passive and docile unless it is in close proximity to a human female; experimentation has determined the radius of this effect to operate at around 50 to 100 meters. SCP-847 will animate under these circumstances and will make every attempt to reach the human female, exhibiting unnatural strength, immense destructive activity and total single-mindedness (see Archive file SCP-847/32198 for previously documented escape attempt). SCP-847's only known vulnerability is high-capacity electricity; judicious application of electricity will render SCP-847 temporarily docile.
>> Anonymous
Discovery: SCP-847 was discovered, apparently inert in a remote location in the hills of the Mojave desert on ??/??/????. A female hiker who had gone missing was discovered near the mannequin, apparently killed by massive blunt trauma. Enough evidence existed for police to connect the killing to the mannequin; luckily, SCP operatives caught wind of the event during the preliminary investigation, before SCP-847 had been taken from the crime scene and potentially allowed to become active. The discovery stands as a perfect example of how and why close adherence to public surveillance procedures is necessary for the continued success of the entire organization.

Additional data: SCP-847 was originally found in a further state of disrepair; it appears to have regenerated somewhat between initial discovery and present time. It is hypothesized that the regeneration method is linked to its obsessive desire for human females. The method SCP-847 uses to detect females in such a range, even despite the containment procedures, is also as yet unknown.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)
Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-097 is located in the director's office. Any personnel with clearance are welcome to deposit a coin.

Description: SCP-097 is an antique, iron-cast mechanical bank in the shape of an African-American stereotype (black face, big smiling red lips, large white teeth) that was popular with children around the turn of the 20th century. A right arm sticks out with an open palm, where any denomination of coin is placed and the arm pushed down, released, flipping the coin into the bank's "mouth".

If an American coin minted between 1865 to present is used with this device, anyone present can faintly hear the hum and music of old Negro spirituals for around thirty seconds. Any coin minted before 1865 will elicit screams interspersed with the cracking of whips and cursing, along with the sounds of a fire raging. Very rarely, these vintage coins will result in what sounds like voodoo chanting and singing.
>> Anonymous
Addendum [SCP-097b]: Attempts to find the source of the sounds have proven inconclusive. The donor of SCP-097 ??????? ????? gave no information on the item in question, stating only on his wanting to be rid of it. The donor ??????? ????? died shortly after SCP-097 left his possession, his body found infested with flies of an unknown species. It is unknown the relation the flies have to to SCP-097 but on testing the item it seems nonthreatening to anyone, making the donor's death unsolved.
>> Anonymous
     File :-(, x)